$132 is a ridiculous steal. I ptt at $185 bc I figured thanks to all of this tariff madness where I am, they’d go up and I’d only ever see them back at close to current reg price when “on sale”. No regrets though…
What tips are you using? I’ve settled on divinus velvet og, mainly bc they’re really the only tip I currently have that allows me a proper deep fit with the huge nozzles.
It was on sale during the annual Ali sale. I use the stock wide bore tips on one pair, and Penon orange on the other. I’m not too sure if there is a sound idfference. Both tips fit well, but the Penon orange are more snug and probably more isolating.
Did you demo it with BTR17? Because i did not have a good experience with that combo. (at least not with all kinds of music)
C12 can sound pretty boring with the wrong source. As @Go-Kart mentioned it in another thread that it´s not the best with Hiby R4, the same is true with Hiby R6III, or maybe I am just hallucinating, these earphones are driving me crazy and making me fall in love over and over again at the same time
Man, I didn’t… why I didn’t, I couldn’t tell you. I was sitting there at the LS booth and everything… idk. Joseph seemed a touch overwhelmed and I didn’t want to impose lol
Yes, sir, with the BTR17. Admittedly, I didn’t try it with a ton of my music, but from what I heard I felt that I enjoyed it.
Sometimes, I really like those ‘boring’ tunings. They can come off as really transparent to me just as long as they have enough warmth to back up the transparency. One bad example is the Mystic 8. I have that one in for review and it just doesn’t have enough warmth or bass to balance out the thinner tonality.