Your Top 5 IEMs right now that you are using?

Is there less of the head-fi brands on that one?

Compared to CJ/MHE, yeah, but there are still quite a few coming and some distributors that carry many high-end IEM brands. " Over 50 producers and distributors of audio devices from around the world will present their devices in the headphone zone. You will find headphones from every price shelf: from budget to the most expensive and sophisticated."

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I found another source that doesn’t do justice to C12, a WA6 (with these tubes, anyway). It sounds nice and meaty in terms of it’s FR, but it sounds really slow and laid back - transient response isn’t there…

What absolutely works a treat on this amp is the KE Cadenza! Great synergy. The meatier tonality of the Woo ain’t half adding the perfect amount of weight to kicks and snares :ok_hand:


C12 in my experience doesn’t jive with hybrid/Nutube or OTLs but M8 loves Nutubes :sparkles::+1:


Just if anyone is interested - those are IEM manufacturers present on AV show (according to Grok’s review). I put the ones that are subjectively the most interesting in bold

Producent Potwierdzenie produkcji IEM-Ăłw
Aroma Audio Model Jewel, Headfonics
Astell & Kern Kolaboracje, np. Pathfinder,
Campfire Audio Model Andromeda, znane w branĹźy
Noble Audio Produkty na Noble Audio
Westone Custom IEM-y, Westone
FiiO Model FD5, FiiO
Final Audio Model E5000, Final Audio
KZ Acoustics Model ZS10, Linsoul Audio
Moondrop Model Quatre, Moondrop
Meze Model Advar, Meze Audio
JBL Model Quantum TWS, JBL
Craft Ears Model Craft Six, Craft Ears
HiFiMAN Model RE400, HiFiMAN
DUNU Model DK2001, DUNU
Earsonics Produkty na Earsonics
Fostex Produkty na Fostex
iBasso Model IT07, iBasso
Itsfit Lab Model Fusion, Itsfit Lab
Kefine Model Klean, Kefine
Kennerton Produkty na Kennerton
Kinera Model Freya, Kinera
Letshuoer Model S12, Letshuoer
Oriolus Model Traillii, Oriolus Japan
Oriveti Model OH700VB, Oriveti
Plussound Model Sonora, Plussound
Rhapsodio Produkty na Rhapsodio
SIVGA Audio Produkty na SIVGA Audio
Softears Model Volume, Softears
Tanchjim Model Oxygen, Tanchjim
Thinksound Produkty na Thinksound
Tin HiFi Model T2, Tin HiFi
Unique Melody Model Mest, Unique Melody

Have around 31 sets right now, no plans to get anything else, this hobby got expensive pretty fast, I’ve been in the hobby for around 5 years.

My top 5 sets:

1- 7th Acoustics Supernova
2- Xenns Mangird Tea 2
3- Symphonium Helios
4- Tangzu Zeitan Wu: Heyday
5- Sennheiser IE600

Tea 2 is the one I probably use the most due to comfort even tho Supernova beats it, IE600 is more comfortable but Tea 2 has better tuning for my own tastes.

Helios has sub-par comfort and is pretty thin sounding but is the most technical IEM I’ve heard in this rabbit hole.


Welcome Hifiguides man, and man I wish that statement is easier said than done of not getting anything anymore. For I admit, it’s really difficult to abandon this hobby when new interesting IEM sets come out and the budget realm as the years go by, get better and better.

As of now I am enjoying my current sets of the Aful P7s, Pula Anvil 114s, Truthear Hexas, Tanchjim Bunny and the Simgot EA1000. I wish I can be satisfied overall, but there is no such thing for me when I am in this hobby.

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31 sets in five years, that escalated quickly! But at least you’ve landed on some solid picks. Supernova at the top feels like a breath of fresh air. Now that you’re not planning on getting anything else, do you feel like you’ve hit “endgame,” or is it more of a temporary pause until something really special comes along?


My current top 5 and I’m really happy with it. The only IEMs I’m thinking of buying one day are SA6 Mk2 and Moondrop Meteor.

  1. Fatfreq Deuce
  2. Letshuoer Cadenza 4
  3. Ziigaat Arcadia
  4. Hi-Fri Aphex
  5. QKZ x HBB

I noticed that I have 3 HBB collabs in my top 5. I think I like the way he tunes things.


I hit endgame with the Supernova but wanted to try a true kilobuck set, saw a new Helios for $750 on reddit classifieds last year, couldn’t pass on it.

The only thing I’m really missing is a basshead set but that’s super miscellaneous given that I’m not a basshead at all.

The closest set to basshead levels I own at the moment is the Symphonium Meteor but I strangely get a mediocre fit with all the tips I’ve tried.


ooooo the Helios… I’m thinking that’s my next set. I loved the way they sounded at CanJam.

If you’re looking for a true basshead set without breaking the bank, I can wholeheartedly rec the FF Deuce. With the impedance adapter, I think it can satisfy most bassheads, if not all.

There are more expensive options but, I think the Deuce gets the job done really well.


Do you get a good fit? the long ass nozzle is the only reason why I don’t get a great fit, it’s dumb how the SE version is locked behind a collab but no way I’d be spending $650 more for comfort, screw that.

Deuce has been in my radar but I’ve also been looking at the Maestro / Scarlett Mini and HBB Punch.


Still early days with the number one spot, but I could see it keep that spot as my number one in my collection. Even with BA for bass :laughing: As always an ever transforming list.

  1. THIEAUDIO Valhalla - Clean, technical and fun

  2. LETSHUOER Cadenza 12 - Natural and smooth, my allrounder reference

  3. Campfire Audio Astrolith - It replaced my Bonneville, similar tuning but cleaner, faster and more
    technical. The reduced upper mids is a pro for me, while some could find is as a con.

  4. THIEAUDIO Origin - Still a champion under $1K for lovers of bass. Interesting Valhalla is tuned the same as Origin, but this sound thicker and less clean.

  5. QDC x Fitear Superior EX - Last spot goes to a much cheaper unit, as this get so much use time. My go to set at lunch or for breaks at work. Super comfortable and a warm and smooth sound, work for me even on a tired day.


These options will certainly close that gap for the basshead set. Fatfreq does have great basscannon options and the Punch has aslo been receiving some good praise. Out of these I am rocking the deuce currently and to my ears they are amazing. IMO if you want to add a basshead set without having to spend too much since you arent a basshead, i would defo recommend the deuce


Because of the long nozzles, I actually got a fantastic fit. Out of all of their IEMs, the Helios gave me the best fit, and that most definitely stood out to me. I’ve always had a hard time getting their IEMs to properly fit me. I know the SE has the same shell as the Crimson IIRC so I know that one would give me some issues.

And out of those 3 you mentioned, I’d pick up the Deuce, no question about it. It’s the least expensive out of those 3 and it has the best bass quality. The Maestro Mini is nice, but I had pressure issues with that set not to mention the upper mids and treble really are pretty unrefined and a bit too boosted. The Scarlett Mini is just… no. No thanks lol Way too much bass. It just sounds like a distortion-filled mess to my ears and not to mention, they’re a bit too dark. There’s no definition in the bass at all. The Punch is a weird one… I only had a quick listen to those but on the initial listen I heard some strange tonality in the upper mids/lower treble. Plus, the bass quality was severely lacking. I need some more time with them and I hope I can solidify my impressions in the future.

Anyways, YMMV, but this was my experience with those.


Nothings changed in the last year…

TGXear Sunniva
TGX Serratus
Riku S3
OG Andro

A musical box of chocolates :smile:


Totally feel you! The Deuce is such a solid pick if you want that bass without going all-in. It’s got that punch but still stays pretty clear. Fatfreq definitely knows their bass, but Deuce is kinda the sweet spot if you’re not a full-on basshead.


I’d really like to know what’s the difference between the Deuce and the more expensive basshead IEMs? Sets with this much bass will naturally have less detail than normal sounding IEMs, do the extra drivers on the Mini and HBB Punch do something?

Scarlet was in my watchlist purely as a meme set, I don’t think anyone on this planet is going to daily drive this, something you’d take out for 30 minutes than move on with your daily drivers like Crinacle said.


i think the main difference between the Deuce and the more expensive basshead sets like the Mini and HBB Punch likely comes down to how they manage detail and technicalities while maintaining that massive bass shelf. I reckon more drivers can help with separation and clarity, but implementation is just as or even more important.
That being said, IMO the Deuce punches is very “bang for your buck”. If you’re in it purely for fun, the more expensive options might not be necessary. You also get the added benefit of having the adapter that you can use to switch things up a little.
As for the Scarlet, yeah, I see it more as an experience rather than something you’d daily.


Shiiit this took me back to my childhood