💜 Youtube Critiques of Movies / Shows / Anime

Here are some fine FINE examples of what I am talking about.

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Andor really is a masterpiece. If it wasn’t limited to 2 seasons I’d say it was the rebirth of actually-good Star Wars, which coincidentally came in the same year as the rebirth of actually-good Star Trek through the release of Strange New Worlds (since confirmed in its very good S2). Only thing missing was a rebirth of Stargate (Universe?) and we would’ve had the full trifecta of Star* sci-fi franchises returning to their former glory.

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If we’re talking YouTube movie analysis I can’t not link this piece:

I actually get a bit annoyed hearing people saying or implying that Neo was The One in the Matrix universe, like how hasn’t everyone and their dog seen this video by now??

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Almost Forgot This Gem

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Wow - makes me want to fire-up my subscriptions and watch those movies again.

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This all makes TENET so much better. Ive seen it twice. I was MEH first time around and I think it will get better and better every rewatch.

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Need to see more Kubrick

Amazing Improv

The last 10 minutes of this should win an award.

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I enjoyed the original trilogy very much. That is about as far as I got with it. Now that the franchise has fallen into the hands of disgusting, shitbag Disney, Star Wars is dead to me. And that is fine.


** If you break that habit, Just do it for Andor and apparently Rouge One. I haven’t seen that one yet but Andor is like its personal prequel series. Screw the early 2000’s prequels and the new ones, Disney ruined them good.


Copy that. This takes me back to when the original opened up out here at the Coronet Theater in San Francisco. Wild scene, man! But it was the place to be. I remember the pot smoke was so thick in the theater you could hardly see the screen!

Spoilers for the whole series. If you haven’t seen Farscape PLEASE do so first. fresh, blind.

Everyone else… Here ya go.


I tried watching this a few weeks ago but only got a little ways through when I realized the visuals were just cycling through the same few short clips over and over and over. Felt more like clickbait than legit, thoughtful analysis.

I did enjoy the film.

A lot of YouTube channels will simply reuse scenes shown in the trailer so they don’t get copyright claims on their videos. It’s a pain in the butt but I understand why they do it you’re really there for the words being spoken and not for the visuals. Higher end channels tend to do a lot more editing to keep content on screen