YouTube- Reviews, Chats, and other Content

Thank you.

I’m nowhere near being perfect, but I like to think that I’m a good guy.

I think we can safely leave perfection to the angels and the devils, grin.

Oops. I forgot. You live in Los Angeles. Guess that means you have to be angelic or you automatically become an illegal resident?

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I like metal and respect his reviews regardless of our ears not matching and shit that may have happened in my past relating him (nothing major mostly petty from my end). I do wish he would still do reviews and publish them is written form cause I can’t be asked to listen to him talk to x amount of time. His delivery is certainly an issue for me.

I’ve never be able to finish watching one of his reviews, the guy is very nice and knowledgeable, but boring.

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Exactly but that’s like most reviewers no wonder so many are attracted to zeos and bggar cause at least they are somewhat engaging. Neither are the most technical but the hype really adds a lot to a videos engagement level


Resolve came up with a brilliant riposte to the whole ultra-low-noise-floor measurements thing ( at 5:07). “I know that there’s folks doing measurements of all this kind of stuff. But really when you get to stuff that’s high performance, evaluating based on measurements and giving your recommendations is kind of like saying one headphone is better than another because it goes to 40k Hertz instead of 30k Hertz – even though human hearing doesn’t go past 20k Hertz.”

We all chuckle at the uninitiated who pay attention to those frequency response numbers on headphone boxes. But somehow it makes sense to obsess over noise floors equally far below human hearing.


He’s my favorite reviewer on youtube, and I like Currawong as well. They both review mostly high end gear, but I think they do a good job of describing what makes it high end.


I also do think about both named reviewers the same. At the moment my most prefered sources, followed by Darko with videos like this one:


FYI: Resolve and Metal571 tackle poor Sankar from Audeze today:


@Darthpool is going to have a livestream today. The topic is audio and alcohol.

2pm Pacific.

Cheers! :tumbler_glass:


Thank you Broseph!! Here is the link to the stream, we will be introducing ourselves and talking about some of our audio gear… we shall see how it goes! plus happy to answer questions in the chat…think of it more as a hangout with fellow audiofools talking about headphones and gear and whatever comes up…


Here is the latest live stream, we had some technical difficulties for the first 10 min or so but this was a fun just…hangout and talk with friends while drinking and talking audio and other hobbies, might start calling these sessions happy hour talks=)


Good times!

Looking forward to the next one. :+1:t4:

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Just putting this here! Doing a chat with fellow audiophile and music junky MRphotography about his audio experience and current setup/favorite audio chain and just chatting it up for 30-60mins :wink: This is scheduled for Tuesday May 19th at around 9am PST look forward to seeing everyone in the live chat if they can make it!


Looking forward to it! :+1:t4:

New episode going live at 5pm PST! We will be discussing our recommendations for audio chains under $1k and maybe dive into some ROON and other desktop audio players.


Just gonna leave this here.

Watch with the lights out. It’s less dangerous.


Not seen often on any forum, someone sharing Rick Beato. One of my most liked channels.


@Darthpool is live now with DEXCOM7. Chats are open. :+1:t4:


Here is the link to tonights show!

Look forward to everyone who can make it!