Has anyone heard these or their big brother the floor standing. If so how are they on Detail, vocals and low end?
Paging @db_Cooper ! I had a brief experience with the Omen Dirty Weekend mkii’s, and they were okay IMO but they really didn’t work for me where I needed them set up. @db_Cooper has had a more thorough and emjoyable experience with them, and can answer your questions on the fullsize, at least.
Feedback on the DW MKII with the clarity cap. Detail, check. Vocals, check check check. Low end, they’re an A curve so guitars, vocals, brass percussion… all good. They will need a sub (I’m not using one and I’m happy with it) but if you live in the sub 35 world musically then it’s a must. I’m actually enjoying them more the longer I have them, they’re about 3 feet from a back wall and I think they benefit from that. One of the caveats to them has been that they like loud, they don’t really shine as low volume speakers.
Unlike other speakers I’ve had these work best with less toe in. The bookshelfs will certainly need help if the full size is on the border of needing help.
Sorry to zombify this thread but this still seems like an interesting proposition. Especially since it seems like the bookshelves are closed cabinet which might benefit my potential set up