šŸ”¶ 7HZ Timeless Planar

bro you should work out a deal to get free shit from linsoul in exchange for product shots fr

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Waiting for Falcon Pro pics when Riku finally review it :wink:

Dunu Falcon Pro ?

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Thanks bro! I could share some DMā€™s with you. :slight_smile: Iā€™ll just say Linsoulā€™s entire team look forward to when I share my photos with them and they are thankful that I am on their team.

I am a Soul member but have yet to participate. I donā€™t know if I want to spend my time on products Iā€™m not excited about.

I canā€™t wait to shoot them for you. :wink:



Hi everyone, im new here =) I am concerned if Timeless sounds nice with prog metal (Dream Theater, Hakenā€¦). Can anyone compare them with Dunu SA6?
Have a good day guys

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Generally the dynamics of both sets wonā€™t be able to rival DD sets or hybrid/tribrid sets with a DD for impact slam which might be important to you for prog metal. It is for me.

Different driver setsā€¦ SA6 is an all balanced armature set. Timeless is planar. Iā€™d look into the advantages and disadvantages of those driver types to understand if you think theyā€™ll be a good fit for you and your library.

My setsā€¦



Thank you, which iems (sub-500$) are the best with you for Prog?

Iā€™d direct you over hereā€¦ šŸ”¶ Unique Melody 3D Terminator


I was interested in the Timeless but after hearing your impressions about its lack of slam (which i imagined would be a problem since its a planar set), i think it will not be a good option for me.

Now i am really interested in this UM 3DT :slight_smile:

EDIT: Not even sure why i am still considering other IEMs honestly, i just spent the last hour reading this thread and banging my head while listening to the freaking AWESOME Dunu Zen, i guess no matter how good your current gear is, you always want to listen to something new?


Iā€™d rec it for you most definitely. I donā€™t think it slams as hard as the Zen but I think it would contrast with the Zen because of its treble. The Zen is dark and the 3DT is bright.

The 3DT is MEST MKII like in its authoritative slam, but because it is all dynamic drivers, it is more coherent but lacks the stage and imaging the MEST MKII has, but it is also far less expensive. It is hands down one of the best sets for the metal genre I have found. Check it out!

They are a fairly new discovery for me. I wish I had picked them up when they first released but some reviews steered me away.


Just need to sort out some small details before i get myself one


I took a look at the UM 3DT before but, it might be too big for my earsā€¦ big shells big nozzles :cry: Iā€™ve tried UM Mest MKI once, it was really hard to put in deep enough to secure on my ears.
Have you tried Fiio Fd7? Pure Be and graph looks promising.

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The lack can be helped with a bass boost. The Truebass on the Zen Dac does liven things up a good bit. Some tip rolling should help level things out a bit more as well.

I own the FD5 and FD3. Iā€™m skipping the FD7 since beryllium is not bringing any advantages to the game beyond the FD5.

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Not with slam. I already stated this earlier in the threadā€¦

I tried and no additional slam was available. I even increased volume and I feel the driver fell apart as I added more power.

I personally feel the Timelessā€™ FR has ample amount of bass to begin with.

The planar driver just does not appear to be able to push more air because of itā€™s size. I think Timeless is better in general than all the other planars before it because it is huge and is pushing as much air as it does. To be able to push more air, the driver might need to be even larger than it already is. Iā€™m not an engineer though. Timeless does a pretty good job in general for most music genres, but it does not excel at dynamics just as all BA sets do not either. Lots of music wonā€™t need or even benefit much from a lot of slam. It just so happens @luizgarcia is a slam whore. And I mean that in the nicest of ways possible. I like my slam too. :slight_smile:


I canā€™t say I donā€™t like my slam, but I tend to prioritize good clean bass. It may be why Iā€™m looking at a single 10" sub for the truck(beyond size constraints of my smaller truck).
Eh. I would ask, any recommendations for a sub $500 dap (preferably keep under $400, but I could stretch things a bit) that might make a decent pairing for these? Balanced does seem to benefit them, more thanks to the increased power.

I think also by reading your initial thoughts the 7hz timeless is a good upgrade for those who loved the P1 , but they want more bass without sacrificing the detail.

I think for those who own P1 they will most likely love the 7hz timeless.



For sharing, and updating your impressions


Hello and welcome to hfgf :slight_smile:

As @Resolution stated, avoid all BA sets for prog metal. He is the in house prog master, so his recs will be on point.

Youā€™ll need a DD for that specific genre to shine.


Today Iā€™m gonna try listening to metal on my IEMs with a DD compared to all BA. Usually I prefer fast BA bass.

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Yeah, BA speed is nice. What is hard to get is that same speed with slam impact. Thatā€™s why FH3, 3DT, FH7, Mest Mk2 come to mind for prog metal.

They are fast and impactful.

I love BA sets tho, but I dont do prog much. Im a mids guy :smiley:

Ps: I never heard fh7 or 3dt since they dont sinergize with my library, but I trust Res on this two.