đŸ”¶ 7HZ Timeless Planar

Just ordered the tips since the cable bill that was due this week is taken care of since my check came a couple days early.

So I’ll get to do the whole after market tip swapping.
SpinFit CP100 for IEM - L - Patented Silicone Eartips for Replacement, Secure Fit and Supreme Comfort (2 Pairs) (for Nozzle Diameter from 4.5-5mm) Amazon.com
AZLA SednaEarfit Crystal Standard 2 Pairs (Size L) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09B7BKM6X/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_R1TSVN55TTE302KG1WP9
JVC EP-FX10 Spiral Dot Earpieces – Set of (4) Eartips, Sizes Small Through Large, Fits Many JVC Models (Large) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08KSJNWRX/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_W59WTVRWDS72ESA2MAFT
SYMBIO W Memory Foam & Silicone Hybrid Ear Tips. Provides Great Seal and Sound Isolation for Enhanced Audio Performance. Durable Ear Tips Easy to Keep Clean - 3 Pairs (Large) Amazon.com

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Yep. Couldn’t agree more. I got lucky in that the first IEM I EQ’d was the Monarch and that thing handles EQ like a champ but all other IEMs I’ve tried just don’t handle it very well except maybe the 3DT though I didn’t push it on that.

Another thing to consider is, with how portable IEMs are, you might just want to plug those suckers directly into your phone or video game controller and not deal with a whole dac/amp/dongle situation. So I, personally, place source independence on a high pedestal for IEMs.

From the sounds of it, the 7hz doesn’t “hiss” or sound too bad directly out of your phone?


I hope those symbio tips work far better for you then they did for me.

You’re brave. L size Azla tips are humongous. Hope you have big canals


They’re usually my preferred tip, but we’ll see how things go

I think ML in Azla are about my size limit.

If you have used them before and you like them then that is great. I love the idea of them, I just can’t use them at all.

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Large is usually the size I go with. If they’re too big then I’ll have to cross that bridge when I get there

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L is also my usual size, but for azla, ML is what I would use.

(Azla L fits, but gets uncomfortable.)


Eh, I don’t feel like shelling out another $22 (these fuckers aren’t cheap) for two pairs right now. If I don’t like the fit, I’ll see what my options are

Same. They fall right out of my ears. Worst tips I own.

They are like putting rocks inside my ears. They are sooo hard. Can’t stand them.

Say that again! 
and again 
and again.


Spinfit CP100 L FTW win brother!

It would seem I may have sparked some slight tribalism. Xp

Same here. ML in Azlas but L in pretty much everything else. XL (LL) in Final E.

Anyone have any guesses if something like a UTWS3 could handle these?

Ordered my 7hz Timeless. Can’t wait!


Guys, sub bass. The more I listen, the more I am impressed. I don’t recall liking sub bass so much on any other headphone. I think it may genuinely be why I don’t miss the Zen much.

Even my hp-2 which rumbles with sub bass isn’t so sonically pleasing.

Pretty when you cry just came on. Must listen.

That is all.


What is hp-2 ?

My most hated tips ever lol


Eh, so far they’ve been a favorite.

Each to their own :+1: