đŸ”¶ 7HZ Timeless Planar

Just curious, what was the question?

Excellent short round-up. I can see 99% get even more optimistic about them (though with the full review yet to come). Being in the other 1% I will take the Timeless off my shortlist though because of the bass boost as described when he touched on female vocals accompanied by acoustic instruments. This is what I feared for and since I listen to lot of acoustic recordings that’s a big No.


@drftr I need to watch it. My favorite artist, Ani DiFranco is amazing on them. As a rule, I won’t keep a headphone which I don’t enjoy Ani. So I want to understand this.

I might be overplaying the bass boost in those situations. It’s all relative and a matter of personal tastes and so on, of course, but I will say I still very much enjoy female vocals with acoustics. It’s just that, when compared to something like the MEST (which nothing I’ve tried beats), then yes the Timeless isn’t as fun.

But I still think they’re great on everything :slight_smile: Not the best at everything, but great.

Let’s see what the demo sounds like I suppose!


What are your thoughts on timeless vs mangird tea?

About stage and imaging. My set got delayed so will take some more days for my first impressions.


I still found staging to be lacking and a bit odd. I listen to a lot of music that requires good ‘3d’ soundstage/imaging. I know the IE300 isn’t top tier for soundstage/imaging but after hearing what it can do it blows all of my Shure’s and the Timeless out of the water.

That and I’m off chifi, QC issues, fit issues, variation issues. Big one for the timeless for me is the MMCX connectors (not cable) being loose to rocking on some reports, still seem to work, but for how much longer, not a good sign

The Timeless has gone! (& Shure’s)

P.s. Lovely cable though. :hugs:


Since I don’t like any kind of bass boost at all I think your subtle description will only be picked up by me and make others even happier. For now anything sub $1,000 is open for me so I see your remarks as enormous compliments for them, but for now I’m holding off, hoping I can find something that comes closer to my preference. If not then it’s 7Hz all the way, as I’m sure there’s many aspects I’d absolutely enjoy.


What a tough one! I prefer the Timeless at this time, but the tuning is so different. Timeless is a great warm set, while the Tea is a great neutral/bright. Still, I prefer how the Timeless does its thing more than I like how the Tea does its thing.

I miss the fullness of the Timeless when I try brighter gear. That’s how well the Timeless executes what it does. Demo coming within the week! Probably


Yea I am NOT a fan of MMCX connections personally. I just don’t like how the cable can rotate in the port. Bad design to allow the rotation IMO. Maybe some people like that, since it allows the wire to be turned according to head shape I suppose, but it’s not for me.

I hope the connection doesn’t become loose over time though. That’s pretty bad :confused:

I had to send my Clairvoyance back for a loose connection - though it was a 2-pin. It’s a real bummer to take the IEM out of its case one day only to have one of the buds fall on the floor when unwinding the cable. :scream: Talk about heart dropping.


Yeah never had a problem with MMCX before, let’s hope your set’s a good one!

That’s unlucky regarding your Clair’s :scream: I feel for you!

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This is a superb description.

Sadly, the right unit stopped functioning correctly due to the connector. And I am in the return/replace process.

I am timelessless. :frowning: hopefully I was just unlucky.

Enjoy it!


Since it’s a Chinese brand they may have scr#wed up their English and instead of Timeless meant to say LessTime. Let’s hope not!



So you rate them rather highly as an all rounder in terms of genres?:raised_hands:t3:

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Yes! I very much do.


It is a superb IEM :notes:


Well I managed to pick them up today and what a joy to unbox
zero ghetto here :+1:


Jamming tonight


Jamming too :+1:


Duuude nice. So, does your impression line up with the countless impressions already posted? :slight_smile: