đŸ”¶ 7HZ Timeless Planar

That might work but I wouldn’t EQ anything above 13K.

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That makes me remember of Crin’s DQ6 EQ preset, +19db peak on 13khz

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Fit’s ok for me as is most IEM’s
nozzle measurements are as follows

Bore size

Recessed section



His update is equally great. Look it up if you haven’t yet.


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Just a wee observation on Hey Now by London Grammar @ 1.39 the tick, tick sound that pans right to left is more pronounced on the P1’s my OCD appreciates stuff like this :smile:

Switched to Spiral’s on the hz’s for this

To add some attack to the strings and lessen the bass which I found to be a bit ‘wooly’ with the Sony tips, definitely better but still bested by the P1’s in this case imho

Man the 7Hz’s kills this
(good source)

the decay on the intro ‘Vocals’ are amazing, they float away like a Chinese lantern on a Summers evening absolutely stunning :heart: it.


After using them few weeks exclusively, now BA hybrids sound empty to me :slight_smile:


Guess that depends on what sets and your library :man_shrugging:

This is part of what I have been trying to figure out. The dusk feels like it is missing parts of the note. I described it as choppy. It’s not super music dependent either.

What other BA hybrids do you have to compare to the timeless? (I have mangird teas coming in tomorrow)


Yeah the Dusk is particularly bad for coherency regarding its BAs. And, honestly, for every hybrid I’ve heard (which does NOT include the mest) it’s easy to tell when the BAs kick on and they always pale in comparison to the DD/EST in terms of timber and note weight. All-BA IEMs don’t suffer from that coherency problem.


Anything other than the mest not included?

P1 > HZ’s here too

P1’s weave an awesome replay

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This really might be it. The sound of the DD is so different from the BA, it just feels wrong. (as opposed to purely a timbre issue).

That makes me very curious about all-ba options. I do like articulate sound. Planar speed and precision is very appealing to me. Seems like BA would bring something fast as well. DD Bass though. DD Bass.

I meant I have not heard the Mest so I cannot conclusively say it suffers from coherency problems though you can infer it probably does from the many other reviews.

Regarding all-BAs you tend to get used to the sound. Even if the note weight and slam is less-so compared with a DD you don’t notice it if all you hear are BAs. And, yes, BAs are generally fast like planars. Can even be “unnaturally” quick as is the case with the Anole VX.


Fair enough. Teas are tomorrow. If I am still in this boat, I will probably steer clear of hybrids for the time being. Bumps the RSV way up the list though.

My replacement timeless will be here in a few days. Can’t wait! I have missed that sound.

Thanks for that - I’m miraculously healed. There’s only so many times you can read the same message but from different people. Cleans out my shortlist rapidly!


Could it be that BAs are TOO fast? What if we like the distortion from planars and dynamic drivers better, while BA may simply be accurately translating what is recorded in zeros and ones, making for a fast but inherently digital experience? Anyone tried listening to an analog source with BA IEMs?


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I think the main problem with BA sets is for “full range” sets they generally are multi-BA. Phase and coherency issues.

I had the Aonic 5 & Aonic 3 for a time there. Both have pretty close tuning, like really close. The 5 is 3BA, the 3 is 1BA. The Aonic 3 sounded much more natural to me and the one I’d choose, although soundstage was more limited.

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I honestly don’t know. The drop ether cx is stupid fast and I LOVED it. But it is entirely coherent top to bottom. Since “coherency” tends to be my issue in all things, my bet is it is a mix of drivers that is the primary problem.

But, I do think if decay were really abrupt, I still wouldn’t like it. Planars definitely don’t feel as “natural” as DD for me. But, that is not the same thing as “bad”. Just different. And I think the “natural” still comes from “what have I heard most of my life” not necessarily “reproduces X instruments better”.

Fun stuff. Will have more info soon.

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