šŸ”¶ 7HZ Timeless Planar

I liked the Spirals as they gave me a Z1R treble hit but killed the bass, Spin145ā€™s were just a no, no with this set, so settled with my go to Sony EP-EX10Aā€™s a great allrounder and softer than a soft thingā€¦Iā€™ve got Eā€™s so Iā€™ll try them too :smiley: :beers:


If youā€™re feeling brave, remove the grills and foam and these beauties shift some proper low end air.
Found my Symbio tips sound best but will be casting my own custom tips shortly to hear them unadulterated.

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Wondered why they came with a spare set of grills, do they just pop out with a set of fine tip tweezers?

yes. one broke in my trial run of casting custom tips so i pulled the other out gently with a needle.
The foam seems to be stuck to the grills so it came out in a single piece.
I may replace the grills just to stop muck getting in them.


Spirals and sedna earfit were awesome but had just little enough grip to slide out sometimes. Crystals do better for me in the slide area but need more careful sizing.

I also love the cp145. The bass they add works fine for me. But itā€™s also not needed at all. And they tone down the shouty a bit as well. Their shape seems to help with staying in as well as overall comfort. Cp100+ is similar.

Still playing with them. Will play more when the new set arrives. Xelastec may end up being the winner for long listening sessions.

The biggest problem I have with smaller/lighter iems like zen and timeless is adjusting because they move. Itā€™s a constant struggle. Dusk plants themselves in my ear and donā€™t move with xelastec.

Everything else moves and movement generates irritation over time.


The foamies that came with my Sony XM4 are absolutely brilliant comfort-wise. The first few days I had them in for 10+ hour sessions and Iā€™m positive I could have held them in my ears for over 24 hours easily. I moved to SpinFits CP360 because the foams reduced the treble too much; the XM4 being very darky tuned already.


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Agreeā€¦sound better without foam

I actually struggle with foam. In theory, for long listening, they would work well. In practice, I have two flaws:

  1. every full foam tip has an adjustment period as it settles. Comply is really long and dekoni is shorter. During this time I feel and hear the material. Can be annoying. If in and out a lot, itā€™s a no-go.

  2. they also all have a texture that touches my skin. This can be good for grip and bad for irritation/itch. No/go for in/out.

Symbio w hybrid are interesting. I probably need a size smaller as the silicon covering ends up wanting to pop out. They would have to be sized carefully and I just havenā€™t done that yet. The combination is a touch too stiff so I would need a deeper insertion with smaller tips.

Still havenā€™t tried them all. Gotta check my tipedex. :wink:

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I notice that when using SpinFits my left ear is quite successful in slowly pushing them out of my ear - or so it feels as it never really happens. This happens with different tip sizes, so I wondered if itā€™s the thicker nozzle my left ear canal doesnā€™t like, or that I have to go back to foam, or maybe try to find a grippier silicone one. But since all this stuff has to be sent to Mexico while theyā€™re not cheap in the first place, this is going to be too expensive for the IEMs. Hoping for better times with new IEMs that cure all my problems (albeit adding to one because of thatā€¦).


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Look whoā€™s on top of @hawaiibadboy 's A+ list


Pretty much agree 100% with this comparisonā€¦

If you have a diverse library like me and you love planarā€™s then you need both these sets in your life :+1:


Iā€™m getting deja vu here. Are you the same user who was told (at length) that cranking up 20 kHz by so much dB at best does nothing and at worst leads to distortion (especially without enough negative compensatory preamp and especially with IEMs)? :thinking:

Yeah. Crinā€™s first impressions were really good. I hope he does at least a mini-review instead of just giving it a grade.


Well, he did promise to make a review but, who knows if it will every happen given the number of items he had to work on. Either way, time will tell.

Correct. Itā€™s specifically the Timeless that not only can handle but also benefits from such an extreme boost, would not recommend with most other IEMs.

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Iā€™m gonna experiment with a lot of EQ on this IEM.


Iā€™m not too keen on IEM anatomy, but what is the size of the nozzle(?) and which tips can they fit?

Nozzle is regular average size. Shouldnā€™t be any problems!

Are you trolling? What improvement would a 20khz boost bring? Are you 1 year old? Iā€™d bet that there isnā€™t a single person here who can hear 20khzā€¦

Only way this makes any sense at all is by choosing a low q value, but you didnā€™t specify that.


Youā€™re right, I didnā€™t specify. I put the Q value at 1.5 or 2.

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