All Things Classical

I miss that classical website/service. But I don’t do Apple, so it’s dead to me. I have had no trouble finding great classical music to discover since, however, so I guess it’s all good.

This will be great for those that do Apple Music. :+1:

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Hee, hee. Me either but I will ck it out for comparison when the Android version comes out.

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And anyway, I don’t need it… you have been an incredible source for great classical gold!

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@Raptor168 What an amazingly kind thing to say. Thank you! :blush:


Ending the day with a throwback to my college days in music school. The Arutiunian trumpet concerto reminds me of many late nights in the practice rooms.

Tidal > iFi Gryphon > Aur Neon Pro

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Hmm…new to me…will ck it out tomorrow, thanks.
Been a long time since I was in practice rooms! :rofl:

Piano concerto night. Helene Grimaud/Salonen …Schumann a minor
Great, balanced recording, and spirited performance!

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Late notice, but Brahms Requiem live. Now. 11am CST
Edit: Now over, but may be avail on their channel tomorrow.?

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Sitting at my desk doing paperwork today, I started craving listening to some exceptional choral music with the Focal Clears. Then I stumbled onto the choral group Tenebrae. These are some notes from the album:

"Allegri’s haunting Miserere is the central point in a journey through music of longing and entreaty, hope and faith. These works spanning the centuries are chosen from the heart of Tenebrae’s concert repertoire.

This album is a must for all connoisseurs of the finest unaccompanied choral singing… Tenebrae reveals itself as one of those exceptional choirs whose individual singers have been moulded into a single superbly sensitive and responsible musical instrument. The mood of each piece is captured to perfection… This is an outstanding performance, which reflects every expressive nuance in both poem and music

The Daily Telegraph"

Tidal > SMSL M500 Mk III > Focal Clear

Speaks for herself!
AMHD>Bifrost OG>Asgard 3>Sundara

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Speaking of Steinway… :wink: you guys need to see this. Fascinating.

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we need more cowbe…cello in this thread!





A good quality “high res” recording of 2 Schubert symphonies.
Recorded in Nov. 2021 and released in 2022.
Really good clarity and instrument separation and I like his tempi.


Great find. This one will definitely get in the queue.

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A new version to me that I like very much. This with Jansons and Berlin.
Classic FM had good things to say as well. EMI recording/now Warner group.
Note cover pic is different on AMHD and maybe elsewhere.

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I have few appointments today, so I’m able to spend some time with my new Denon D9200s. The finale of Picture at an Exhibition always gives me goosebumps!

Mussorgsky: Pictures at an Exhibition - The Great Gate of Kiev - YouTube


Oh yeah! Enjoy!

Getting in my first classical action on the new amp. It’s pretty magical. This is not an overly tuby experience, but it adds that little touch of warmth and decay to the signature while still being resolving, wide-staged and very strong. Just wonderful. Of course, the music itself may have a little something to do with it.

Local FLAC > Douk U2 Pro > Schiit Bifrost 2 > Monolith Liquid Platinum > HiFIMAN Edition XS

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Finally getting more lead time on their announcements.
Frankfurt Symphony live concert…This Fri, Mar. 31 at 1pm CST
That’s 8pm CET Music of Ligeti
Always fun to read a few worldwide comments (or make one, lol.)