šŸ”¶ Andover PM-50

Oh yea, no, thatā€™s totally fair.

Yea. I can imagine that sucks.

lol. Maybe if Zeos kept it civil in the first place I wouldnā€™t have to get pissy. Really, really, really freaking tired of it right about now.

Anyways, Andover Audio PM-50s are not a sucky headphone, and people should ignore the ignoramuses who know no better. Try the cans, seriously.

I mean it happens, just means itā€™s that hidden gem right? I find headphones that people friggin hate all the time. Hell I hear people bash on my 1990s cause they are ā€œtoo bright and sibilantā€ or my aeons because they apparently are boring and have a lot of compression. Donā€™t really care I love them. People however, should take reviewers as a subjective point of view they arenā€™t always accurate and everyones preferences of sound are different. I donā€™t really think by any means the pm-50 is bad it just needs some work in my opinion. For a first headphone though it damn sure ainā€™t bad. Another good one to this particular area was the helios. I actually really like it but I see a ton of hate on it. Donā€™t let it get to you.

I do Definitely recommend trying the pm-50s though at least. Find a wider comfortable pad and swap them out. I am sure you will find a buyer though man. If not just keep them for yourself and your collection. After all it is one of your favorites right? Think of it as part of your journey with the hobby

A big difference between general critique and calling the company scammers and hacks. Big diffference between making objective critiques of the cans and insulting anyone who likes them or owns them as idiots, people who canā€™t hear, and gullible.

Like, yes, the PMs have very obvious flaws. Does it make it okay to make character attacks and baseless accusations on the company that made them and the people who like them? Fuck no. Never.

Zeos crossed the line in that review in so many fucking ways itā€™s unbelieveable.

And his followers continue to parrot his shit and cross the line again every fucking day. Itā€™s obnoxious and repulsive at this point. The fact that he hasnā€™t redone the review in any sort of a polite or constructive light, apologized to andover, or just taken it down boggles my mind.

Who wouldā€™ve ever thought lol @DeeDrick. Critical thought and thinking before you speak. Who knew?

Yep. Exactly. Evident flaws balanced out by evident great spots. Iā€™ll never ever say the pm is perfect, or even very good, but itā€™s a solid headphone at the $400 price point.

hmm may need to cool your head a bit there man. Your taking it relatively personal. I mean I get it, but Letā€™s not escalate it further alright? Itā€™s pretty common knowledge zeos tends to take things overboard from time to time.

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Do I need to link you the massdrop page or the patreon chat or the other cesspools that have developed here? Iā€™m done talking about it now, but I really expected him to do literally anything to express remorse or change the tune, but no. Dudeā€™s just been a dick and bears a significant share of the responsibility for displaying how to behave to his followers. Done with that train of thought.

Back to the topic at hand. PMs donā€™t suck. Try them. Iā€™ll literally let people demo them for a week if they want. I just want to reverse this asinine perception that theyā€™re absolute garbage, cause theyā€™re definitely not.

Thank you for calming down gentlemen :+1: too many flags at this time of the morning (04.45) UK :grimacing:
If you feel the need to discuss reviewers and their merits civilly then we have a thread for that :+1:ā€¦


Agreed! I think they need a:
:snowflake: :pill:

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Ignoring the mention of the link, I will agree with this statement completely. Just try them for yourself.

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Because we have scotch and whiskey. That, Jack, is why the rum is always gone.


On a more serious note, I am not gonna say the PMs suck, nor am I going to join in on the shit talking of Zeos. From what little I have tried, I tend to agree with him. Now, that does not mean I always agree with him(AKG K371 vs K361 I disagreed with him on which was better, and I canā€™t stand the Audiotechnica m60x, and BLON BL-03ā€¦ just a couple examples), but more often then not I tend to agree.
The PM-50 is on my radar, but is not presently on my wish list. Part of this is because:
A) I donā€™t have as much time to sit down and listen as I would otherwise like. Working full time+OT (I pulled ~95 hours last week and the week before), taking care of a 50 year old woman and a 2 year old, all while doing school online full timeā€¦ I donā€™t have much time for pleasantries.
B) Iā€™m trying to save for my first car. Donā€™t give a shit about anything fancy, just need a point a to point b.
C) I have other wish lists including: New Computer, TV, finish out Home Theater equipment, ect.


Thatā€™s some hero shit fr :+1:t4:

:thinking: yeahā€¦ lol
(Atticus graph)

Ok sorry, now back to the PM50s.

Another review is up on the headphones by Andrew Park(Resolve Reviews/The HEADPHONE Show)

Thatā€™s for sharing. I donā€™t think I could handle as much treble as the author seems to want. This is the first review Iā€™ve heard describing the PM-50 as dark, too.

Iā€™m surprised causeā€¦ they are actually dark tuned lmao Treble descends pretty good especially in the upper highs. That plus the lower bass being under neutral gives it a rather weird sound honestly. Not bad but more unique.

That dark tuning is probably what caused zeos to go on bout it sounded Veiled

Personally I still like the headphone at around the $350 or less range. If you are agreeable to the tuning, it is still not a overall bad planar in comparison to the others at that tier. I still use it often when going on runs and doing work around the house.

I just still find it incredibly hard to recommend to anyone at their current tag of $500. Just when you have a lot of choices new and used from the likes of the Avias, Sundara/Edition XX, LCD 2, Aeon Flow, Verum, ect. Man they just become really hard to fight for.

Thatā€™s fair. And youā€™re right, that market segment is crowded with yet another new player coming in soon: Helm Audio - Another Startup w/ $400 Planar

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They would do well to be wary of zeos lol


You see what DMS did to the Thieaudio Phantom? Thereā€™s no safe space.

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lol no I didnā€™t I gotta go see that one now. I thought the thieaudio was well recieved just dark kind of like an audeze

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