Any car audio people on here?

My 2 cats having a nap.


in dirty laundry hamper of course =)

Kay I’m legit now…

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He is adorable!

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Out of left field comment here but what the hell, killing some time. Car audio is the best platform to install active cross overs.

This is coming from back in the 80s when ADS and Rockford Fosgate and Nakamichi were the bomb. Today’s upsell stereo options though are pretty dammed good, especially on up market luxury cars where they can go all out on sound dampening and speaker placement.

There are sounds you can get in a car with controlled speaker placement especially the mid bass that can envelop you in audio in a way that no 2.0 or HP ever could.

There’s a portion of drumming that simulates a bomb exploring in You Dropped a Bomb On Me, by the GAP Band, that sounds insane in a rear deck with a sub and mid woofers as the drumming rolls from left to right.

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Ying & Yang?

That’s their nicknames =) Smokey and Bandit. I am old lol

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Speaking of car audio, Sennheiser and Continental just came out with a system that uses pieces/panels of the car interior to produce sound and not need traditional speakers anymore.


That’s pretty interesting, that would be a nice thing for newer cars