Any Tea Drinkers Here?

Hi Everyone,

I know there is a thread here for coffee people, but I don’t drink regular coffee (I have to drink decaf). However, I do drink tea. All. The. Time.! :grin: :grin: :grin:

I’m curious, are there any audiophiles who enjoy tea too? Any favorites? Any foods you like paired with the teas and/or music?

Look forward to your responses! :smiling_face: :teapot: :tea:

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Get my leaf tea from a local hotel that has its own blend.
Its a mix of Darjeeling Goomtee, Yunnan and Ceylon
Came across it whilst having a rather excellent afternoon tea there.
Keep it just for weekends.

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I’m curious, where is the hotel? Is it in the U.S., or somewhere else?

I love afternoon teas. :smiling_face:

Its in Sussex in the UK.
Ive also had afternoon tea at Claridges in London many years ago.
Prefer a traditional tea rather than the perfumed varieties like Earl Grey.


Oh, nice! I’ll make a mental note of that to add to the never-ending #BucketList. :smiling_face:

I like all teas, but my go-to’s lately are green and white teas. :relieved:

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She guzzles Sencha by the bucket.

Don’t let her fool you

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I’m more of an herbal person, since caffeinated tea makes me piss like a racehorse.

But herbals are fantastic, so I’m low on the FOMO

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When I go with friends to get coffee, I just order chai instead because A) It’s delicious and B) Most coffee shops have it. I have several varieties, blends, and a couple flavors like vanilla, amaretto, and irish creme at home. Speaking of irish cream, adding a splash of Bailey’s is a killer way to spice up a cup of Chai when appropriate.

I also occasionally drink some Earl Grey or a couple Ceylon based blends that I keep at home as well. I also have a cousin that lives in Russia who sends me a jar of his Russian black tea blend every year around Christmas and it is hands down the most delicious tea I have ever tasted. It has wonderful citrus and floral flavors with just the right amount of bitter edge to it. Plus, for a guy who rarely consumes caffeine (I’m hopped up enough as it is :joy:) it’ll put a little pep in my step when I need it. It must be particularly potent because it provides a much more noticeable boost than any other tea I have had. My cousin makes the blend himself from tea leaves he imports and prepars specifically for his blend. He’s a tea afficionado like people who blend and grind their own coffee are coffee afficionados.


Orange or blueberry-flavored maté wakes up my mind. A lot.

But yeah, good idea, I need to drink more tea (non-maté) instead of, random juices and drinks that taste worse than teas and contain too much sugar.

Zero sugar and zero milk in my teas btw.

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I love green teas, Japanese, Taiwanese and Chinese.
Gyokuro, Dragonwell, Oolong are my favorites.
I love green tea with sushi or noodles.

When I go out I order either Chai or Matcha.

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I’m a singer in a local rock band: Traditional Medicinals’ Throat Coat tea is as ESSENTIAL for me as my Shure Beta 58 microphone! :slight_smile:

I also like immune-boosting herbal teas from Yogi and Traditional Medicinals.


My band’s singer drinks two cups of hot tea with honey and lemon after shows. The doctor basically told him he had to do that and quit smoking or he wouldn’t have a singing voice left in a few years. He went to see the doc in the first place because we had to pause our last tour before covid twice cancelling several shows each time because his voice would basically disappear and he wouldn’t be able to sing for a couple weeks each time.

After going to a new vocal coach who gave him a new warm up and cool down regimen, taking the vitamins the doc gave him, doing the tea drinking thing, and quitting smoking his voice sounds the best it has since I have known him (almost 12 years) and he hasn’t had any problems since. He says the two times he forgot to drink his tea he could feel and hear a difference thw next day so he swears by the tea and even a specific brand of the tea and the honey.


Love almost every kind of tea, with few exceptions ( one being Green Tea). I drink a lot of Mate (found everywhere in Brazil) and Black Tea, but I really enjoy some Oolong and Rooibos.

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Gotta protect the moneymakers, man!!!

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Nice to see other tea people here :slight_smile:
I’ve had a Gyokuro Marou from the Saemidori cultivar this morning. Brewed it in a flat banko kyusu.
Really love the sweet savory notes that gyokuros offer


I do enjoy a cup of tea every so often. Not being any kind of expert or anything, I just know that this tastes pretty good to me!


There is an international foods store not far from our place and that is where I get it. Or the classic


Sounds cliche’ but I actually like it very much!


I forgot about this thread! Today I broke out my clay teapot and made a proper pot of limited Christmas blend.


I have another pot that works well, but there is just something about making a pot in this one that is special.


I’m not as big a tea drinker as I used to be…but I love cast iron tea kettles and pots. so far, I have resisted the urge to hoard them as I know how tedious and frustrating keeping them and their shelves dust free would be. :stuck_out_tongue:

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I have been more serious about it over the last 2 years or so. My interest really peaked when I started exploring loose leaf. It’s like a whole world opened up. You do need some tools to do loose leaf right, but I have everything I need now. I actually enjoy the process of making a pot.

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and what have you determined to be the ‘must haves’ for proper tea totaling?