🔷 Apple AirPods MAX

Not to mention then you get THIS shit:

“Oh, well, we won’t repair it. Why? Well, we created something and haven’t bothered making sure parts exist for it months after release. Oh, but a third party could… If they get this certification that doesn’t exist.”

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“We have an international army of mindless cultist followers who believe whatever we say, and will buy whatever we put out. We don’t even have to worry about device breaking design flaws, cause we’ll just say it’s only effecting a small number of people and those that are having issues just aren’t using the product correctly.”


Sounds about right… I mean this company put out 600 dollar wheels. Just wheels. 600 $$$$

Come on, that was as an after the initial purchase price. When included with the initial purchase they were only $200. :wink:

And they were kind of sexy.

In the world of purses 10k for a purse doesn’t bat an eyelash. 10K lounge chairs in the world of seating, 8K in the world of umbrellas. I don’t mind expensive if the craftsmanship and exclusivity is there. I mind expensive when you can get the same thing from an Apple computer hardware standpoint for 1/3 of the price Apple charges when they put their crap in a pretty package that offers little else.


Craftsmanship has its price. 10k lounge chairs are a part of that, some 10k purses are too. I love craftsmanship and luxury, but only if there is something more than just a product behind it - craftsmanship.

Apple is certainly not craftsmanship…


Aren’t they doing away with the whole Beats brand?

So far no one said they were going to bad, most are expecting mediocrity.
I just think they kinda ugly, they basically look too “smooth” to my liking

Probably not, its too high value its also their “audiophile” brand

I came to this unfortunate conclusion yesterday. 15 minutes is all I get. Unbelievable. I didn’t even use em that much.

I do agree they look kind of ugly. But then again I thought that AirPods Pro looked weird. And 550 may be a high price, but I expect a lot of people donning these. They definitely are a status symbol.

Yeah they are. They already removed Beats landing page. https://www.macrumors.com/2020/10/12/apple-removes-beats-landing-page/

Yeah happens when you always charge LiPo batterys to 100%. How long did they last?

Unpopular opinion: People love to hate on Apple. “LUL WHY BUY THAT WHEN I CAN GET…” etc.

I’ve seen PLENTY of threads on here with $300-500 HiFiMan cans completely falling apart from shitty QC.

Like I said earlier, I bet the sound will be “meh” but better than the Sony WH1000-X4 and Bose 700, I bet they’ll be comfortable with best in class ANC, and I bet they’ll sync seamlessly with Apple devices. I probably wouldn’t buy a pair, but I do use their AirPods 1st gen and they’re great for what they are.

I also wouldn’t personally buy a MacBook Pro but I use one for work and it’s great.

Yeah, they’re probably a little overpriced for what they are, but if they’re built well and comfortable, most people clearly have no problem paying the “Apple tax”.

If anything, this probably good for the headphone market once people see it’s not completely crazy to spend ~$500 on a perceived “nice” pair of headphones. Should pull more people into the market and create competition.

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Since they came out, but still. I go for 30 minute runs. 15 minutes is really all I get? It’s crazy to me.

I agree, my comment previously takes it a step further. I’d love to see Apple in the high resolution music streaming biz.

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You recommend any alternatives? Sound quality doesn’t have to be great, just need to avoid the same mistake.

This is nothing new - just something people don’t like to bring up and admit. Hifiman has the same type of diehard fan base that Apple has.

But these headphones cannot meet up the $500 asking price - you are paying for the brand, the same way you’d pay for that Nike check.

The problem is, I’m not going to sit around watching the charged percentage so I can stop it at the exact perfect moment. Who tf would? With all their “smartiness” they should limit the charge to the optimal amount and then stop. But that won’t guarantee them the sale of the same item a year from now.

I agree with you there. It’s pretty much out of your control since the case charges them and that’s also the place you store them.

I upgraded to these.
