šŸ”· Apple AirPods MAX

I seriously doubt there will be any ā€œcompetitionā€ in the market when they come out with these or any other headphone, since their usual customers donā€™t tend to switch governments so to speak. And to top it of thereā€™s the whole ā€œ600$ and itā€™s not even wireless?ā€ argument.

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Thanks! Appreciate it.

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I donā€™t like Appleā€™s products because they donā€™t fit my personal use, needs, budget, and personal desires from a product. I donā€™t like Apple as a company because of their business practices, and the way it behaves as an organization. I dislike Apple followers more based on the fact that the ones I actually dislike are the cultists mentioned above: mindlessly believing whatever Apple tells them, insisting they have to have Appleā€™s stuff because nothing else is good enough(no joke, I could not begin to tell you how many have told me ā€œYou can take the same picture on an android and an iphone and I could tell you which is the iphone. Even if a professional was using the android, and a toddler was using the iphone. iPhones are just that much better.ā€)
*I may have paraphrased a bit. Though they still insisted it was all about the phone(OS) being used, and nothing about the person using it that would make the photo quality better.

I wanna see what Apple is gonna try pulling with this kind of product when they get rid of the lightning connector. I could honestly see them insisting youā€™re just better off spending 10x the price for AirPods anyways.

Iā€™ve been using an iPhone since forever and prefer to stick with them just because Iā€™m too lazy to transfer all my stuff to another OS. But if they start doing shit like forcing me to buy crazy expensive stuff just so I can use the product, Iā€™m out.




How much does the cheese-grater go for?

I think itā€™s 5k for the most barebone one.

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I mean they already had the audacity to not include a charger or earbuds with the iphone12 which, you know, costs $979 so well see lol

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Itā€™s why Iā€™m still using a 6SE. No reason to upgrade if thereā€™s no reason to upgrade :slight_smile:


At least stuff like bags and watches hold their value pretty well for reselling or even go up, idk how well those shopping cart wheels will hold their value tho lol

You just wait till those become the MUST HAVE item during the apocalypse. I donā€™t know why they would but then again I never imagined stores running out of toilet paper.

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To get this conversation back on track :slight_smile:

I am kinda hoping that they sound good, have good resolutions, dynamics, even tuned to something like the Harman curve. Itā€™s not for myself or even many people on here but I think that if Apple are able to produce something that sounds good and gets a large amount of people to realise what good audio sounds like then it can only be beneficial.
If they go for a copy of the Beats cheap sound then whenever you talk to anyone ( other normal people :slight_smile: ) about high quality stuff thatā€™s all they will think of.


The thing is though with the cheaper beats gear they are literally just on the line of being shit and good. The tuning is fun lacks detail or any form of refinement especially the beats solo stuff. But they are built like shit, uncomfortable as well due to the on ear Nd slight clamp. If you just refine them give them better build and comfort they could legit be good. why do that when they sell like no other headphones of this price bracket has ever sold before.

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AirPods Max Unboxing & Impressions: $550?! - YouTube

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This comment from that unboxing video made me laugh:


I was scrolling down when he tried saying they looked like ā€œthose old planar magnetic headphones from way backā€ too see if anyone else caught onto it. But then againā€¦ MKBHD does love his M50xā€¦


The $69 for extra pads and $35 for the audio cable WHICH ISNā€™T INCLUDED is justā€¦ itā€™s just so Apple, isnā€™t it? Not to mention the bra carrying case which is required to get it to turn on ā€œlow powerā€ mode. I mean even I canā€™t defend that nor play devilā€™s advocate for any of it.


Nice ā€¦