🔷 Apple AirPods MAX

okay, but is the sound quality up to par to everything else in the $600 range?

Apple executives drop the mic :moneybag:

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Even if I was in the market for BT+ANC and could afford these, I just don’t think I could bring myself to accept dealing with the utter stupidity of the case/power situation at a $550 price point. Who knows how far back the design decisions on these reach, but I’m going to go with “Jony Ive residue.”


Indeed, there must be a hack to dodge this?

If someone likes Apple, they like all Apples! It’s meant to be that way.
Design think that every can accept. :grin: lol

There is, you have to use magnets on both cups at the same time.


From all the impressions I’ve read, seems to be good, but not spectacular in any way. Not actually “audiophile.” I care not for ANC, isolation, creature-comforts of any sort, so I personally don’t have any interest in these.

  1. Consumer-oriented tuning. Rumble bass. Treble extension that will make people who use bass-boosted gaming headsets go “wow, this sounds so clear!”

  2. Okay technicality courtesy of plain 40mm drivers. Enough for regular people, but nothing for people who care about nuances and audiophile jargon to describe sound.

  3. Not as practical for travel as the other ANC wireless. Heavy, not the most secure fit, stupid bra purse is only way to turn off the headphones.


Boom goes the dynamite.

The K-371 (or K-361?) in the overhead shot, are those a sign?

just got a chance to try this for a couple of songs I didnt really get to test out ANC or anything though.
for what they are they really arent as bad as I thought they wer gonna be. sound wise I wanna say comparable to something in the $150 -$200 range. tuning is almost harman but I felt the lower treble and upper mids were more toned down doesnt have that shout characteristic of a perfect harman compliant headphone. bass wasnt beats level bass boosted more pleasant than I thought it was gonna be fun but not overdone. treble was not offensive to my ears overall pretty pleasant and would be a good stand alone headphone, the mids were pleasant and actually pretty good I felt… I kinda wanna say its one of if not the best sounding ANC headphones Ive tried as much as I wanna shit on apple. the reason for them actually sounding on of the best is the soundstage is present like there is actual soundstage on this thing not massive but existent, imaging is ok not good but it images. and I felt there were no glaring issues with the timbre which is a plus. the comfort is actually pretty decent and I love what apple did to the headband. now the negatives.
I dont think its worth the cash still. like if said it would not be bad if it was a apple branded product at $150 -$200 it would be one of the best consumer orieted headphones better tuned then beats or skull candy with good build quality. its pretty fucking heavy for something on the go. the case does not feel as good for something so essential made out of nice soft matetrial but feels almost cheap. as solidly built it is because of the weight of the thing I would be afraid to drop it so be prepared to spend cash on apple care. I think it sound better than an xm4 for most music definitly better than the bose offerings. I do think th eaudeze mobios sounds better and by extension I guess the much cheaper penrose. I still have to try the panda to make a decision and the higher priced b and o h95 has got me curious why the fuck b and o think they are worth shit puttng up a $800 ANC headphone up there

all in all considering its faults its not as bad as I originally though it was gonna be but if just priced $100- $150 less then we would be talking a decent product.



To me, this pictures shows of perfectly how boring Apples “design” is. They look like the mold/tool path/etc. was made, then they went to find a product they could make with the parts.


Pass hard pass

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Comments like these give me hope for humanity


Edit: The DankPods video includes a headphone demo (with disclaimer!) that is actually worth something.

Concerning build:
The Den-Fi dude posted his impressions on another forum. Apparently letting got of the cups when folded flat will make them bounce of each other. Enjoy your chipped coating.
Edit 2: Should have watched the DankPods video futher, he actually has image and sound of the “clonk”

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Yuck, I really hate the bass boost. Probably sounds better with pop/edm stuff, but I’m not a fan of boosted bass in general. Other than that, they sound quite decent.

Dank complains about expensive headphones having a major design flaw/hiccup

Koss, Focal, Hifiman: ha ha.

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