šŸ”· Apple AirPods MAX

Well, you know you should have something coming in March then!

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The vol button feels like a miss when talking about ergonomics. Interesting to see what peopleā€™s feedback on it is once itā€™s out in the world. Just watching some of the vids and thinking through where the headphone would sit on my head and what Iā€™d have to do to turn it up/down.

A lot of people are going to love this simply because itā€™s apple, wondering what the audio reviewers will have to say. I am curious.

Iā€™m not a wireless noise cancelling guy, but whatā€™s the industry standard and where do the Drop Pandas rank?

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Soldered on PCB and parts on their macs (dumbest internal layout design ever) for years on end says otherwise.

Of course one manā€™s early opinion is his own, but this is a lot more relatable than tech reviewers just saying ā€œit sounds good.ā€ Good compared to what?

Seems it actually does easily out do the other wireless headphones out there and is more than acceptable compared to higher-end headphones. Pretty nice.

Now only if the bra purse was not so hideous.

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Anotherā€™s starting impressions, more negative.

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I keep forgetting to state specifically the new cheese grater looking ass mac pro

These first impressions are interesting. I wonder if Apple threw the kitchen sink at these but didnā€™t refine them enough in terms of sound?

This person got 2 left ear pads on his Max.

**And another review


Didnā€™t Hifiman have this happen a while ago?

Every Reviewer racing to makeā€¦ well reviews.
Will be interesting to see who hypes the most = Apple phrases

Bass be what it is, but that treble?

I had an issue with the T50RPā€™s treble, but that looksā€¦ worse!

It has less in the 1.5-2k region compared to the Porta Pro. Emphasis in 10khz+ region, but not as much as the M40x.

IMO doesnā€™t look like absolute crap, but could be better. I can see why some people have commented that they find vocals to seem a bit overwhelmed/recessed in their first impressions.

You see, when there is a crappy USB charger emmitting 12kHz whine in a room, I will find it and unplug it because it drives me 300% mad.

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I donā€™t know about any of you, but personally, I will be selling all of my gear and replacing it with the AirPods max. Endgame. They say hifi in the description.



now that some more respected reviewers have demoā€™d the new Apple headphones, whatā€™s the TLDR?

From what I could pick up, If you place it in the consumer, Bluetooth portable headphone realm, They are the best you can get but the Drop Panda can sound better If that matters to the consumer Is what I got.

Its got safe tuning, Cool features, and Apple design. The transparency mode seems real neat.