Are you distracted by gear?

“Are you distracted by gear?”

I don’t understand the question:


(I think the answer is yes…)


Lol It really doesnt help most of us(me included) are enablers


Eh, about 4 or 5 of those things at least I don’t actually own and are loan to me for review. But if you’re at the point where people send you stuff to get your opinion on it…yeah, you’re distracted by gear :laughing:


honestly try to get as much stuff as you can and get as much gear on the frame as you can take pictures of what you get and put it on r/ headphones and farm the free reddit karma

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I have to admit, looking at this kinds of images heals me when someone asks “wait, why do you need 3 headphones?” :rofl:

In all seriousness though, I like to think gear is only part of the journey. The feeling of “oh, I never felt/noticed/heard that” is what truly drives me. But yeah, gear can get in the way, but I try to judge this way: if it didn’t move me in some way, it’s probably not worth it.

(That goes for more stuff than just audio btw, at least for me)


That’s a big thing for me with music. As much as I like the gear, I only chase it in order to get the above.


The big thing I think music based audiophiles are all chasing is that same feeling we got when we heard our favorite music through a decent pair of headphones for the first time which I’m currently having trouble putting into words. That feeli for me openned my eyes to the idea of how much gear can make me love music which I already loved being an aspiring muscisian when I was younger.


I didn’t mean “discuss” in the quite literal sense. I just meant focus on music listening, but I get what you are saying. I just think some people get too obsessed with the gear, and that’s just what some people like - I have nothing against that. We all like different things

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oh look, another squirrel!

For sure. While getting new packages and toys to fiddle with is a nice feeling, actually getting that “a-ha!” moment is really what gets me.

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There is also a progression in hobbies, careers, sports etc. I have always dipped my toes in and then waded into the hobby until i found my own point of comfort.
Example, my first handgun was a revolver, couple of hundred bucks and i slowly learned to shoot. By the time i got into pricier more exotic weapons systems costing thousands there was a progression of sorts, with education, skill set development and multiple levels of knowledge Learned until i was comfortable and confident enough in my own skills to warrant the expenditure of large sums of money for the more complex and exotic items i eventually educated myself about. I have done this my entire life in my careers and hobbies. Some folks are capable of going straight to the top or pinnacle from the beginning but there are few that actually succeed or maximize the particular skill set that way.
Imagine just learning to drive and immediately jumping into a professional race car. There is a higher probability than not that the initial outcome will be negative…

writing about music is like dancing about architecture


If that’s true, what are we doing in this forum? Talk about gear? We should just buy things and just experience them.

Serious now, I LOVE talking about the stuff I like. I’m passionate about it and I want to share with other people who also are. If you don’t like it, that’s cool, just stay by your side and I will talk with whoever wants it.

And I really like the music talk session, it helps me expand my horizons. Getting more music to either appreciate or to help understand my gear (coughcoughYosiHorikawacoughcough) is a part of this journey I appreciate it. :slight_smile:

I had the money to do it I 100% would just not even realy ask anyone and buy shit. But I don’t have the 3m in the bank doing that with audio would probabaly cost me

Humans are social animals. A forum is a social network.


Since we audiophiles are always looking for excuses to buy gear, consider this…

On Dec 21, 2020 we’re going to have a planetary alignment…Jupiter and Saturn will overlap:

Ancient cultures spent a lot of time looking up. In fact, there are seven “wandering stars,” celestial lights that move relatively quickly across our sky: the Sun, the Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn. Many ancient cultures used these 7 wandering stars as the reason we have 7 day weeks and each one of the seven is a namesake for a day of the week (SUNday, MO(O)Nday, SATURday, various roots of the names in other languages for the others).

Why am I sharing this?

Because literally in a few days stars are aligning! So get your rationalization engines cranking and buy some gear! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

[WaveTheory and HiFiGuides Forum are not responsible for your lack of self control :slight_smile:]


On the contrary! I’ve been in a very selling-stuff mood, since I got this little drop from Heaven, the FH3, in my rapidly shrinking collection! :heart:

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Where’s the “dislike” button lol.


Plus I cant exactly whip out headphones in 5 minutes of downtime at work, but I can 100% bullshit on a forum


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