Audio Deals (Sales only please)

i guess a balanced connection is something that has more power than single ended. unlike the smsl p200 888 amp, which has he same power on balanced and single eneded. its like they gave a xlr balanced port for convenience if you have a balanced cable to your headphones but not the increased power. :thinking:

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Well I think what you mean by true balanced as that it is balanced throughout the entire signal chain, where something like the 789 is balanced but is then briefly converted into a single ended signal and back to a balanced signal. I think by true balanced it would mean the signal chain is balanced from start to finish

yeah thats it lol. does the 789 have more power in its balanced port?

Yes, it has much more power and sounds better out of it’s balanced output.

Audeze B Stock sale going on:

$500 for LCD2C and $1k for i4 seem to be the best deals left but I’m personally sitting this one out

edit: most everything is sold out since I checked at work

so when i get my SU-8 should i bother to plug it in through the balanced ports?

I would say you might as well because you have the ability to

but is there any benefit to it?

holy cow! i want the LCD 2! But which should i get? the regular phazored or the classic?

You get the benefits of a balanced connection

It depends on what you prefer. I personally like the pre fazor, but the fazor technically is the superior headphone

depends who you ask. I think when the non-fazor launched it was $599 and that got it a lot of good press. Metal571 (who seems to be about the biggest Audeze fan out there) says the fazored beats it hands down

only 6 things still left on the sale. I checked as soon as the email came through and the 4 was already sold out. They probably only had 1 or 2 up initially

yeah no phazored LCD2’s :sob:

I see what you did there.

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Everyone knows the best Audezes are the ones with Alligator skin closed cups

You might get slightly move volume from a balanced connection, it depends on how the amp works.
Balanced connections usually are equal and opposite on the 2 pins as opposed one being tied to ground, so in effect you get 2x the voltage, since unbalanced is usually just 1/2 of the pair.
If the amp is differential, then for a single ended input it’s in effect amplifying ground.
But given the massive output of the 789, it really doesn’t matter either way.
You still get the increase in signal isolation from the balanced connection either way, whether that’s actually audible in amps like these is debatable.

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the LCD MX4 is still available. Hows that compare the the LCD 2C?

Pretty different imo. Lots of detail and information, but is presented more for studio. I ended up selling mine for the lcd 24

i4 are sold out. The mobius are supposed to be pretty good, but even on sale the LCD-1 seems to make them obsolete at $400. I personally also feel that way about the 2c. I was thinking about the 3s at $1k when they were still up though. I know it’s maybe the least popular out of that line, but I thought they were pretty solid when I had a chance to hear them. I listened after the redesign, so that may have had something to do with it