đŸ”¶ Audioquest NightHawk

I will always recommend the T60RP Argon’s :slight_smile: Lead time is only 1-2 weeks right now.

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how about the HE-6se v2 on sale at Adorama? legendary headphones snd you’ve got an amp than can drive them.

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I have to disagree with this statement. I am a very competitive BF5 player who has been playing for years. I have bought countless setups to become a great player and get advantages in FPS, although I use laptops. I absolutely love playing with the nighthawk carbons and BF5 is a game with hundreds of explosion’s and footsteps going off every few seconds. Personally when Im playing I liked to feel more engrossed with the boom and bass of what is happening around me, its like actually being there.

For me personally, the tradeoff of having a hyper clinical headphone like a DT1990 or AKG K712 PRO vs what I use for my FPS gaming, which is the nighthawk carbons and Fostex th-x00 would be negligible as I already feel like I am hearing about as much as I can gaining a competitive advantage through sound. I would never recommend a studio headphone over a bass headphone for fps gaming or any gaming. The enjoyment you get out of listening to a headphone with proper bass is amazing and I personally would never trade that to gain just the little bit extra in advantage through sound. For ultra competitive esport players, who play for money, then the argument could be made. For FPS players playing for fun, hell no, stick with bass cannons and enjoy what your playing.

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Completly agree! I liked them at first but now after some experience with other headphones they just sound muddy with no resolution, medium to small sound stage and a very unnatural tuning.
I’ll probably sell them soon

Interesting take, I actually appreciated them more at their current price point after playing with Liric’s and Atriums. I don’t find them muddy but bass is so extreme that I could see someone saying that, maybe pad swap and as always brain burn in is always a thing.

Absolutely agreed, use what you enjoy

The leather pads actually make it worse :sweat_smile:
I prefer the suede pads.

I did some comparing against my DCA Aeon Noire yesterday and with electronic music I can kinda see the appeal of the Nighthawk but with normal vocal music they just sound too unnatural.
Classical and orchestral music is even more unlistenable for me. Soundstage is about the same but imaging is on a completely different level with the aeons.

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Definitely understand, I had some car audio drivers that have similar characteristics as the nighthawks and man people either loved it or hated it the first time hearing them.
Those Ulta low distortion dynamics always take me a couple hours to get used to again. If you can stand it takes some time to adjust. It should come back to sound natural and details start popping out again.

Has anyone had the experience of the plug popping out of jacks all the time?

Bought them just now. Are they better than he400se and Fidelio x2 hr? For music , gaming and movies. Also how many burn in hours do they need

As far as I’m aware you need brain burn in more than anything else.

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Buying them used so they already have 100-150 hrs of use

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They should be completely burnt in at this point so just kick back and enjoy some tunes with your new Nighthawks. :metal::sunglasses:

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