Aurorus Audio Headphone Loaner Tour

As a small company we don’t have much of a presence at large trade shows, so we understand that finding and demoing our headphones is a challenge. That’s why we are proud to provide an opportunity for you to hear our headphones by organizing a tour for both the Borealis and Australis. We will organize separate tours for each headphone in each region starting with the United States, then Canada, followed by Europe and are open to organizing a tour for other regions if there is enough interest. In return, we ask that each participant to publish their in-depth impressions/review in this thread.

To apply for the US tour post the following (once the US tour is finished we will post instructions for the next region):

  • Which model(s) you’re interested in (you can request both, but they will be sent out separately and will arrive at diferent times)
  • The US state you reside in (this is for routing purposes and to try to minimize postage costs between stops)
  • Your agreement with the below terms of the tour

Then we’ll reach out to coordinate when it’s your turn to receive the headphones.

Applications for the US tour will close April 5, 2024.

Loaner Program Terms and Conditions​

You will have two weeks from date of arrival at your tour stop to demo the headphones.

You must be OK with your real name and address being privately provided to Aurorus Audio and to tour participants for shipping purposes. You will be responsible for the cost of shipping the unit to the next person on the tour, we will privately provide the mailing information for the next stop to you. You are responsible for the integrity of the headphones during your tour stop, and agree to immediately contact Aurorus Audio privately with any issues or concerns. You agree not to modify or disassemble the headphones while they are in your possession

Please post updates in this thread upon receipt of either of the headphones, your review/impressions in this thread and when you have shipped the headphones out to the next person on the tour.


I’m interested in both headphones.
I’m in California.
I agree with all the terms of the Tour.

Good luck with the Tour!

quick reminder to also post that you agree to the T&C.


Thanks for putting on a tour for us! I’m interested in both headphones.
I’m in California, and I agree to the terms.

This is a fantastic opportunity for those who haven’t heard either of these great headphones!

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I am interested in trying the Borealis & Australis.

Am located in Michigan, USA.

I agree to the terms. Thank you very much for this opportunity!

I’m interested in Australis. USA, Alabama. I agree to the terms.

I’m interested in both Bori and Australis.
I’m in Washington, and I agree with the terms. Thank you!

Hello! I am in Illinois. I am interested in both the Borealis and Australis. I agree to the T&C. Thank you!!

I am located in Louisiana and I am interested in both Borealis and Australis.

Hello im extremely interested in this, ill like both, Im in Norfolk Virginia, however in april-late july ill be transiting to Sandiego! im extremely interested though
ill be measuring them on my DIY meausrement rig too btw!

I Agree to the T&C as well

I’m also interested in both, located in Florida. I buy about $6,000 a month in audio equipment and active on ASR and Head-Fi. Amir on ASR is running about 2-3 months on stuff I send in for measurements, but I’d be happy to post reviews since I always have a supply of amps and DACs to test them with.

Hi there. Also in Michigan. I’d be interested in both models and agree to the terms.

I quietly follow along with the conversations on Discord, but always find your discussions on dynamic contrast and texture to be thoughtful. Certainly curious to get some hands-on time as a companion since it seems like that is also a goal of your design philosophy.

I agree to your T&C and wish to be added to the tour! I want to demo the Australis, and I live in Massachusetts, USA!

I’m interested in the Borealis.
I’m in North Carolina.
I agree with the terms of the tour.

I’m interested in joining the tour,

Agreed with the terms and conditions and I’d like to demo the Borealis. Located in USA, Atlanta Georgia


i shall be interested in bori first and then australis
located in texas
i agree with terms

Alright, got to this a little late, but US tour sign ups are closed, I will collect a list of users and locations, determine routes and update the thread in a few days.

Everyone that has signed up, please PM me your mailing addresses.

The order of the tour is going to be as follows (small adjustments may be made based on mailing addresses when I have them):

Australis Tour

Borealis Tour

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