Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 1)

I had $30 to use from buying the new tribrids, and I won $5 from Discord. I did everything Chris said (the social media stuff) and I got another $30 off somehow. I have no idea how to spend it.

It might be worth participating and see what happens?

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No need to waste more money when you dont need to IMO.

Get the A7 and then dont get other stuff and wait for the dust to settle with all these new tribrids at around 500 usd popping up here and there. (also to get more info on GS Audio stuff.)


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Think I’ll be waiting on the Blon A8 release which should be soon, if it sounds good I need the silver one in my life.

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I’ve been kinda sorta thinking about returning to so-called “summit-fi”, grabbing a totl IEM and exiting the hobby again for a while. I mean, I left summit-fi ~7 years ago now, left the hobby pretty much completely for 5+ years until returning a year ago, so I have it in me to do all of this.

I just have a different mindset now, and so many more responsibilities and frankly, am more well-rounded in terms of hobbies/interests. So, spending $3k ($4k? $6k (the bird)) and above is so foreign to me. At the same time, the phrase “mid-fi hell” is real…for me. There’s so much in the (admittedly arbitrarily determined, by me) mid-range of $500 - $1,500.

I’ve known for a long time that I am actually not a audio hobbyist. I’m a consumer who wants a long term product, but the reading about the gear is the hobby, not actually owning/trying it all.

Anyway, sorry for the OT, but it’s late where I am in the world, dealing with a sick dog, and I am pondering things.


Take care of your dog :two_hearts:

I’d rec MEST MKII and go away forever from the hamster wheel of this hobby

Prayers for your dog. :pray: I am a big time pet lover. They make my life a better place to be :two_hearts:


I’ve decided I need either the Mangird Tea, or the Thieaudio Oracle in my life. I think I can’t really lose to be honest?

Already have the BGVP DM6 and the Blon Bl03 and I like the Blon best (must be the oppoty lol). Am I right that the Mangird Tea could be the obvious upgrade? :slight_smile:

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I think if your library is similar to mine then absolutely.
TEA is a little warmer Oracle is a beast with vocals

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Speaking of DD, I finally got a pair of IEM’s that I can just fade away from the world with. I was chillin with my Fearless S8F, but something was missing. Than I picked up a Penon OS849 cable that made everything sound so much better. So much for snake oil cables! But something was still missing. Along comes the Tansio Mirai Land. I think I’m just about done looking for IEM,s. The sound from the Land is , well for me, just about perfect. Now to just fade away with the music…


Thanks heaps, yes that’s along the same lines as what I thought. My library has a bit of everything in it, so difficult to say. :slight_smile:

Keep up the good work, I enjoy being able to browse your tier list doc too, very cool.


Thanks for the trust :pray:

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That almost looks like an ideal flat response…for an IEM. Isn’t that a multi-driver headphone?

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Yes…which is a trip. It sounded good so i did a graph and… :thinking:
When you expect a disaster…everything works out nice.
I like this waaaaay more than the bleedy bass ZEUS


A triple dynamic driver setup at that ^^ That sounds freakishly interesting, the presentation seems top notch as well.

Read a bit about them, but it seems like it only has two dynamic drivers and a bass reflector, so it’s actually a two driver system… bit disappointing, but hey, if it sounds good in the end it’s not a real problem !


I just bought the :bird:


Will you review Oriolus Isabellae? Single DD


I want to see that as well.

Seems like a tanchjim oxygen upgrade.