Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 1)

A triple dynamic driver setup at that ^^ That sounds freakishly interesting, the presentation seems top notch as well.

Read a bit about them, but it seems like it only has two dynamic drivers and a bass reflector, so itā€™s actually a two driver systemā€¦ bit disappointing, but hey, if it sounds good in the end itā€™s not a real problem !


I just bought the :bird:


Will you review Oriolus Isabellae? Single DD


I want to see that as well.

Seems like a tanchjim oxygen upgrade.


I probably will since its tuning looks appealing and itā€™s price is 10x less than the bird.


Awesome video Chris!

The Mangird Tea never really got its own dedicated review video. It was a rant video on how everyone expects a 300 dollar IEM canā€™t be as good if not better than much more expensive sets. Itā€™s great to see Iā€™m not alone in my love of the Mangird Tea. It is a phenomenal set at any price.


Absolutely, and very timely too. Just bought the Tea for $269 in the sale. :slight_smile: Thanks to Chris for the re-rec. looking forward to hearing them.


Searching for the right combination now of nozzles and switches. lol

I think black nozzle on monitor is my jam. Extremely versatile IEM.


This was a typical review for itā€™s time :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

@Rebeltr0users Enjoy :ok_hand:


I just got a set today, myself. Got them used but in superb condition. (Lucky me) Iā€™m into gold nozzles and pop, with Final Type E tips. Iā€™ve read about some mods with other nozzles I might try down the road. For now, Iā€™m just going to sit back and enjoy the music. :metal:


Iā€™m not a V shaped guy (pop) but thatā€™s what is pretty cool about the LZA7, you can tune it many different ways. I havenā€™t spent much time with (pop) active but I can totally see how gold could help to tame the (pop) setting. I will definitely try it.

The LZA7 is no where near my favorite IEM, but for anyone wanting a versatile IEM to help them learn what their tuning preferences are, the LZA7 is a no brainer. This is a great starter IEM especially if youā€™re not sure what your tuning preferences are.



Do you have the Mangird tea, and if so how would you compare them?

Yes I own the Mangird Tea. I prefer the Mangird Tea.

Looks awesome. Iā€™m waiting for your review while I already got one in my AliExpress shopping cart just waitingā€¦ lol

But one question I have for you: Itā€™s all about the sound. Letting aside looks, cable, fit (this is is really important, butā€¦) how does 3x more money when comparing to the BL03 translate to sound improvement? I know this is a subjective question, but would like to ask youā€¦

Thanks, Chris. Have a nice week!!!


Hyped, but must hold back.

If this could do 03ā€™s magic and ā€œmatureā€ the signature, and if fit is good for smaller ears, Iā€™m on board.

By mature sound signature, Iā€™m saying keep the tuning, but bring more detail, maybe a touch of soundstage without sacrificing the presentation. 03ā€™s got TOTL tuning, but itā€™s like a blunt axe compared to more expensive sets in terms of sound presentation and detail retrieval. Bring some refinement, weā€™ve got a winner. :ok_hand:

So closeā€¦must wait a bit longer

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Real late, but for whatever itā€™s worth, the Thieaudio Monarch is the most comfortable IEM Iā€™ve tried.