Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 1)


Not to mention, the best sounding.


Out of curiosity, KZ AST vs Blon BL-A8ā€¦

Indeed. Itā€™s become my absolute go-to, particularly now that Iā€™ve found the right size in SednaEarfit Xelastecs. Only gotta find a headphone equivalent now to match (i.e. an all-intents-and-purposes endgame). Eyeing the Aeolusā€¦

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THANK GOD itā€™s not a 05 bland blunder buddy.

If it graphs like the 01, Iā€™m hoping it has the same mid-bass like it. The 01 to my ears was neck and neck with the 03 in pretty much everything, not exactly how it graphed with the touch elevated mid-bass.

Now wondering what the mids and treble differences will make up in soundstage. :thinking:

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Itā€™s a 01 with a better driver. Grabs little details that most BLON miss. Drums, Bass guitar, Guitar, vocals, high hats, cymbals all sound geat. I did not really get into much live stuff yet so stage, Iā€™m not sure. While the elevated mid bass is not blowing out vocals I have to think it has a penalty somewherā€¦perhaps stage? Not sure yet


@hawaiibadboy, help me out. You reviewed both the Blon Prometheus & KZ AST recently. I bought an AST and Iā€™m still waiting for delivery. Looking at the FR chart, they look similar in some sense. Does it make sense getting the Blon? How would them differ from each other? Which one of these retrieves more micro details? Overall, would you consider one of these to be a superior set or just different flavours? Thanks!

The Aeolus is a great headphone but itā€™s the complete opposite of the Monarch. Itā€™s laid back, relaxed and not that detailed.

Wait and see if the AST is your cup of Tea

That rhymed :no_mouth:

Different flavors is a good way to put it

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I considered the Tea (Mangird) but then I saw that Moondrop is about to release a Tribrid in the USD 500 range and then I decided to waitā€¦ lol

From your review it seems that the A8 gets the pulls and releases while the AST just get the pulls in Black Sabbathā€™s Sweet Leaf but when you hear Big Boiā€™s Kill Jill it seems that the AST does a better job. But Spoonman retrieves a lot of details. Iā€™m a V shape kind of guy but I enjoy listening to micro details and the sense of ā€œairā€ (if that is an applicable word) when listening to music. So, Iā€™m confused if I should add the A8 to my recently created incoming collectionā€¦ lol.

Iā€™m new to this hobby and the only thing I heard up to this point is the KZ ZSX (other stuff incoming) and really love it. So I have basically no reference.

You are paying attention.

Thanks :pray:

You got it right.
A8 plays those fast pulls better despite it being a dynamic and elevated
and AST hits that sub/midbass area (45-80Hz) harder despite being a BA set.

When graphs collide with what you hear ā€¦trust your ears. (Rule of thumb)

The VE BIE PRO might be something you should get instead of A8. Really you should wait till AST comes and see if the treble is your thing.


I thank you, Chris. Your reviews are top notch on another level. Always paying attention and watching them multiple times. lol

Iā€™ll wait the AST as it will probably be delivered by the end of this week and the coupon I got from AliExpress is valid from Jun 21.

Iā€™ll watch the BIE PRO review again but from your comment I suppose this would be a ā€œsuperiorā€ set when compared to the A8?

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I also got my Mangird Teas yesterday, i was just writing in another thread about how awesome they are!

Extremely comfortable and awesome sound, they donā€™t have the hardest hitting bass or the extremely crisp highs i heard in other IEMs, but the overall sound is just incredible, it just sounds SO good.

Thanks for the rec @hawaiibadboy , they are worth every cent!

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I know, just for headphones what I really enjoy is warm, euphonic sound. Tried out the Clear MG and wasnā€™t that impressed particularly seeing as itā€™s twice the price of the Monarch, and merely competitive with its resolution/detail, with pretty unimpressive stage to boot.

Iā€™d really love to try out the Verite, but going above the $2k mark for a headphone is just too difficult to justify at this juncture.

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Enjoy those and thanks for the trust :pray:

@boredbuyingstuff BIE PRO definitely slams harder.


@hawaiibadboy I realize you havent done a video on the TSMR LAND. Still planning on it? Or you just didnā€™t jive with it? What exactly was ā€œwrongā€ with it from your perspective?


Letā€™s take a sec to appreciate the Mangird Tea in all its glory!


They look beautiful, and because the shape of the Teas i managed to use the Final E tips size S for the very first time, i use size L for all my other IEMs, i was surprised when i managed to get a seal with the M and even more when i tried the S, with the S the nozzles are inserted much deeper and that gives a better support for the shell.

For me the comfort with these is, by far, the best amongst all my IEMs. Perfect fit + awesome sound, what else could i possibly want??? lol


For each IEM, depending on its insertion depth, angle and your personal ear cavity shape, different tip sizes will be necessary to attain a complete seal and proper seating of the IEM against your ear.

Donā€™t think that because you might have found 1 tip size that fits your ears with one IEM that it will have the same fit with all other IEMs. Find a brand with tip material that feels comfortable for your ears, will give you a good seal and buy all the sizes available.

I also find I have to change tip sizes depending on different times of the year.

I think Iā€™ve been saying the Mangird Tea is one hell of an IEM for quite some time. I personally feel itā€™s the king until you begin getting into tribrids. Oracle + Excalibur + EST 112 is the next teir.


They sent as a side thought with a TinHifi sample a year or 2 back.
I saidā€¦
Umā€¦you got this Mangird thing hereā€¦itā€™sā€¦really good, you might wanna stock this :sweat_smile: