Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 1)

Ha ha! Sent as an after thought. Really makes you wonder if they really have any idea what they’re doing. What a sleeper set. I :heart: it!

Side note: Since there’s a lot of Thieaudio tribrid talk here, I thought I’d post these here for anyone interested. I took these photos for the Linsoul Discord because they were asking to see photos of the shell size differences between the original and new tribrids.


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I know it’s a bit out of your price range, but Meze Empyrean could be a great option for you to try in the future. It is a expensive headphone new, but is heavily discounted in the used market

It could be turned into a very nice looking clock.

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Oriolus Trailli Frequency response graph


No spike in the treble?! Is it me or this kind of FR is rare nowadays? I wonder how it impacts the spatial cues and detail retrieval.

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Some sets have that. My Clair have that and TEA among others


Oriolus Traillii Electrostatic Hybrid IEM


IKKO Gems OH1S in-Ear Monitor


So there wasn’t anything wrong with super reviews’ unit… Rip


The tuner at Ikko been smoking crack?


I dunno…what a total dissapointment. They have one of the classic sets from the ChiFi Boom Era and release this mess :man_facepalming:

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DAMN shame. :confused: Shell design looks spectacular, and Ikko’s background with OH10’s tuning was promising. If they sound like they graph, it’s a big shot in the foot. Bass is light/neutral, the spike in the 9-10K region, with nothing seemingly special to separate them from that dozens of sub $200 sets.

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I don’t like wallet murder. :frowning:

We have our first applicant for worst IEM of 2021 yall!


@hawaiibadboy What happened to the HarmonicDyne P.D.1? Not worthy of even a review?

I was not really paying attention to this release but it seems they sent samples to a lot of reviewers.
Looks like they had confidence and I…have…no…idea…why

I read one review that said it was tuned like the Tape Pro, so I wouldn’t hold your breath on that.

Fishing for them luke-warm give-me-more-free-stuff reviews, I’m guessing. :man_shrugging:

No reviews yet, I know, but if they sound like they graph… yeah, Top 5 flops of 2021.

You’d be guessing right. :ok_hand:
This is not Rocket Science. :grin:

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Hiby using Kickstarter again to make profits.

Garbage company.

They were selling one of their DAPs in China a few years back while doing a Kickstart for the international version. :man_facepalming:
Scam company