Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 1)

Everyone ends up spending way more than they wanna spend on an IEM…


I’ve not done any reviews lol.

Would love that. But after some beers ofc!

I am familiar with the Dusk and it very nice. The Tea bass how does it compare? They both represent choices in the 300 dollar bracket. I may decide to go higher but real life might make these the right bracket. Tea has been referred to as bass light.

+1 The MEST MKII is by far the best IEM I have found yet that can portray metal/prog metal the best.

You hit the nail on the head concerning the U12T. DD sets simply do bass and slam better. The U12T might be good for a BA set, but it’s still not a DD. For over $2,000.00 you better bet your ass I’m going to have a DD in my set. No question.


Yup, and also because BA iems will most likely be unvented. I need that vent for that pressure alleviation.


+1 I’ve had medical issues because of it and suffered considerable aching pain over a long period of time. Having proper venting and true DD slam are essential, especially in an end-game IEM.

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Then you two @Rikudou_Goku are out?..

Thats a tribrid I believe? With a DD, so it should be vented.

Well, we all have out preferences. But U12T is vented :slight_smile: As I said, DD > BA bass. But to me, U12T > Mest :slight_smile:

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@nymz Now that you have had the opportunity to hear the diminishing returns with endgame IEMs, it sounds it is clear to you that the kilobuck IEMs are “better” but how much “better” are they?

Not a drastic difference for so much more money huh? :wink:

I like to hint at this all the time by saying, all of these things (IEMs) put the same music into your ears. If you listen to free buds vs endgame earphones, there obviously is a difference but you’re still hearing the same music either way. How far are you willing to go to chase the dragon?

Now that you know and have heard the cost of the huge diminishing returns on the big boys, what’s your reaction? Your Teas and Variations looking better to you or worse?

People usually do not want to hear it though. They want to know what is better and don’t really care about the diminishing returns. Until reality hits them in the face as it just did you. It’s that moment when you no longer are wondering what XXX sounds like. You know and even though it was great, it didn’t live up to what your imagination was leading you to believe since that multi thousand dollar IEM must be so much better than anything I’ve heard yet because it has to. It’s costs 2, 3, 4, 5 times the amount of my most expensive IEM so it must be 2, 3, 4, 5 better right?


I’ll say it again, Tea could be anyone’s endgame IEM. :slight_smile:


This is why my brain is spinning the wheels. Next time someone says that you NEED to hear TOTL to comment on how good or bad a mid tier IEM is i’ll just tell them to gtfo.

With my current budget? Not worth. If money isn’t a problem? No discussion.
It also opened my eyes to something you told me 10 times in private. Will be hard to get the best of them all in one set, if your library is spread all-over. Perfect scenario is to have one true replay set (like mest) and couple others to fill the gap of fun. Just like you do, in fact, lol. Mest + Var + Xenns UP + EJ07M might be a jewerly box to remember.

Teas never sounded so good. Variations sub-bass is the best ever. Fite me on this.

I’m seriously considering not going Kilobuck. I have the same joy, and I’m not saying this because I can or cannot afford it. It’s my gut feeling.



Now THAT is music to my ears. I’m so glad the realization has hit you.

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Wonder who you are thinking of. :smirk:


Good for you bro!


Final nail in my coffin… I’m going to get the Teas no matter what


Don’t give away my secrets. :wink:

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Eat ramen for 1 year, worth it

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It’s not just about money. Is about spending 2k on something. I was fine until 600 bracket. 2k is a bit much for my soul. At least for now. Keep in mind I’m new here.

Also, you get like 90%+ of the replay with 600 bracket. To some extent, if you love sub-bass monitors you will be fine with Dusk or Variations. No need to spend more.