Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 1)

Susvara is that type of headphones I never want to listen, for an obvious reason. Maybe the new Arya.

I bet iā€™d cry like a baby tho.

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Canā€™t decide if this is tacky as f*** or cool.
Wish it werenā€™t MMCX

I pulled the trigger. I did not wait for reviews.

Gucci style.

Well we have @Rikudou_Goku 's impression and he would rec this for rock/metal genres.


You can browse @Rikudou_Goku first impressions here. If you do rock or metal, you should be ok :slight_smile:

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Iā€™d hide that image, too much order and personal info. Crop it

Yep, crop the order code lol.

:)))) ŠžŠŗ, But I donā€™t think anything bad will happen :slight_smile:

You underestimate the internet :joy:

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Porbably yesā€¦ :))))))))))))

not really interested, saving up for the Monarch. I just keep checking to see what Thie might roll out next

I donā€™t have any sets that are good for Rock with a bass bump to the gain region.
Hoping Iā€™m wrong since i bought mine.
Moondrop fans have little to worry but Dunu fans maybe should.

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ā€œShouldā€. Iā€™m being nice. Iā€™dnt rec it based on graph.
I ran from that set as soon as I saw that graph. My DD will be oxygen, as expected.

Iā€™m pretty sure you wonā€™t love that set with your library, you might ā€œenjoyā€ it.
If I had to bet, you might ā€œskipā€ that video lol

If I like it Iā€™ll do a vid
If Iā€™m lukewarm Iā€™ll do a vid
If I really am puzzled not happyā€¦Iā€™ll probably skip and flip

Wise words to avoid drama and brand politics.

Only thing itā€™s peaking my curiosity about Dunu is the ā€œincomingā€ SA6 Pro. I have a soft spot for full BAs

SA6 ā€¦PRO

First I have heard of such a set :open_mouth:

Does anyone know why Linsoul removed the option of delivery with YumŠµŠµ Express, very well avoided the payment of value added tax ??

Thereā€™s rummors about it. Was @Rikudou_Goku that talked about it on his thread. Maybe CanJam reaveal or something.

BLON 07???