Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 1)

All look similar to the S8F V shape but with a DD (which doesn’t need that mid-bass lift like a BA does) I’m guessing these will be a bit on the warm/bassy side ?
Think I’ll pass and wait for Thieaudio’s new offerings.

Monarch Mk2 and V16 is coming…


I’m not sure I trust this as, for instance, this says the Z1R has very limited soundstage since its PTFR average is most certainly below 10 dB:

But anyone who has listened to the Z1R knows this is a contradiction as it is a soundstage king!

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I’m just speculating, but perhaps its less true when it comes to small DD tweeters?

Just got got my DQ6 today (FINALLY). I’m not hearing nearly the same amount of bass as my timeless even though the graph says I should be getting more, although not that much. I’ve got a good seal but it just seems to be missing bass response (maybe more along the lines of punch). They sound great otherwise. Very impressed with the width and separation. Comfort might be a problem for me though, they insert very deep into my ears, almost to the point of them being uncomfortable. I had a similar problem with the nf audio NA2. The nozzles on those are long. If I don’t insert them deep then they’re basically falling out.


Verrrry interested in both. I’ll be eagerly awaiting the releases and reviews to see what people think.

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DQ6 actually doesn’t have long nozzle compare to TEAs. I suggest to use eartips with shorter stems that can give you good seal. And for the bass response, it is not thumpy but it has good impact but don’t have timeless to compare with.

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It has plenty of examples that support the claim, but theres also some that disprove it like the example you provided. So probably theres something more to it besides just those 2 parameters, but its a start. New ideas are always welcomed, and time will tell if they stick.

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Haha no way I pretty much only post on here…where was that posted?

Seems like it now I wonder who that could be :thinking::rofl: …I’ve never bought anything from Linsoul’s site and probably never will so pointless for me to go on it unless it’s for a link for an official thread on here :+1:

Hey @hawaiibadboy!

I’ve been lurking around here for almost a year and I could say I’m a big fan of yours. I appreciate all the work you’re doing but…
I’ve noticed lately you’re on some kind of a rampage against other reviewers?? As if you feel urge to put them down when they have different opinion on same headphones? You have always said that you won’t be doing videos of sets that don’t deserve your/our time but this has changed in last few months/weeks. You’re doing videos just to shit on a headphone. So why so butthurt? (exuse my language)

What a strange first post seeing as Chris has just made a video praising some fellow reviewers :man_shrugging:t2:


First time or not, it’s a question. He may made video praising other reviewers but reading posts here on forum shiws different picture. That Dunu headphone is evidence of that

Same size 🥲


Not that I am an expert on anything that HBB says or does but I must say that I have found him to actually defend other reviewers more than anything recently.

There are plenty of posts on here discussing other reviewers in a “not so positive” way and the few posts I have seen from HBB regarding these has been more to say “lay off” than pile on.

Again, I am not speaking for HBB as he is quite capable of speaking for himself, I just don’t get the same impression you do (at least in recent times, which is what you are referring to).


He’s been shocked enough by early reception of the Falcon Pro vs his own impressions to just not let go and instead warns us it is not suitable to rock in his opinion.
Personnally I prefer that to no review but I understand he usually doesn’t take much of his time for stuff he doesn’t like.
I’d say thanks.


They are putting in 2 more BA than MK1 so I think a smaller shell was almost impossible.
Glad it’s not bigger :laughing:


If it’s the same price as the OG then I just might be tempted but I’m guessing those extra drivers are gonna nudge the price up.

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1 min 7 sec for Dunu and those who rec the falcon pro

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