Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 1)

Haven’t listened yet.


Thor Mjölnir MK2 first 30 minutes impressions:

Source: Realme GT Neo 2
Dongle DAC: Cayin Ru6 (3.5mm)

More detailed than I had anticipated.
Very satisfying note weight.
Coherency is of course great.

Bass slam is :ok_hand: yet it isn’t obnoxious or overdone.

Something in the upper mids seems slightly energized but probably isn’t a problem.

Can’t wait to try it balanced through my laptop, that extra power will improve everything.


I love my Hook for that magic special sauce. No idea how they do it but it’s sooo different from my Timeless and I love it.


I just installed a Tanya filter on the nozzles of the Mjölnir MK2.

That tamed the spitty nature of the upper mids/lower treble.

The sound is now so powerful and so dynamic with just the right amount of energy in mids and treble to balance out the bass.

Also this is definitely an amazing set for low to medium listening as mentioned above.

Edit: disregard Tanya filter… Took a few songs to acclimate to the changes and it kills too much of the air unfortunately.


Love mine too :notes: :beers: :musical_note:


I didn’t realize I’d had them so long already!

Retrying the small ePro tips (deeeep insertion) after a while away, and it gives a phenomenal warm lush sound, incredible. Rumbly bass!

I’ve been using the A07 style tips most recently, and I do love that for a slightly more detailed and balanced tone, that still delivers a good kick in the bass. It pulls back on the warmth somewhat in comparison.

I think tip-rolling the Serial is enough to be my happy place. The Vernus can be my “complementary tuning” option, I’ll see how that goes.

When I don’t notice how long it’s taking me to do the dishes, that’s the IEM I spend time with.

I absolutely love the Serials.

The shells are a bonus. I find it hard to settle on a set sonically if I find the shells ugly or boring. I kind of want my EDC to be something I love the look of too. Serials check that box.


I saw you were getting rid of your canons and I was very tempted but I think I’m all in on the serial as my next iem

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Got my Jewel (or my Sapphires as I call them) today. They will share head-time with the Z1R. The Traillii go back to their daddy.


Those are absolutely stunning. The price tag scares the hell out of me, but regardless, lovely set!


You are right about the price. Nothing justifies it. Fully exaggerated. They sound amazing, though.

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Shamelessly, I can say that if I had that kind of coin, I’d definitely be buying sets of this price point, don’t get it mistaken. At that point, it’s not about the sound, it’s about the exclusivity of the set. I work in the luxury automotive space and I can get it, trust me.


I absolutely did not take your first post as an attack/offense of any kind. Please don’t justify yourself.

The Jewel are a tremendous sounding set of earphones, but I happily could live with the IER-Z1R, which I find more adequate for some genre or even the Timeless, which I adore since day 1.

I am deep down in the rabbit hole, but it’s cozy down there.


The rabbit hole is indeed cozy, my friend. I definitely don’t want to come off as someone who judges anyone who drops that kind of coin on a set! I get looks from my friends circle for spending what I spent on my Monarchs, little do they know that’s literally the tip of the iceberg :rofl:

The timeless is absolutely a phenomenal set. If I wasn’t so into this journey and hobby, I probably would of stopped there, but I had to get a taste of what the top is all about. I’m happy I did. I’m settled for sure. I definitely live vicariously through you guys!




I like where this is going…

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I wonder if it’s single or multiple DDs :thinking:

Oooh. Is this the Monarch Mkii like planar?? :thinking:
Hmm not quite there in the sub bass for that??

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@hawaiibadboy I was looking at the graph between the P1 MAX, OG Tea, and Tea 2 and they seem similar. As an OG Tea user, would you rec the Tea 2 or the P1 MAX? What’s your opinion regarding these 3 in terms of resolution? :pray:

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how is it compared to the P1 standard… i have a P1 standard and the annoying way to get the power needed (remove from MMCX cable, put in phone, play something, then put them back in so they are on high output) is super frustrating. and when i had it on a song like so appalled by ye (which seems to be bad on a bunch of IEMs because on blon the bass drowned out the rappers), the vocals felt almost scratchy… like it was trying to sound correct but failing

Sorry late reply. I’m on vacation/extended holiday

On sheer res it is P1 max.
Not bassy, scooped, shouty, rolled. Cleanest slate that has a planar in it.
The TEAS have more natural bass