Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 1)

Not only is the treble stronger than the FD5 at the dreaded 5K peak, but there is a considerable, considerable amount more continuing through the 7-8K region. AND with the thinner bass VS the FD5, that treble will be even more pronounced.


On this graph it looks diferent (same switches 100),but yeah, still daunting for people who are sensibleā€¦

And balanced mode:

Comparing 100 profile to fd5:

Nevermind, graphs are similar. Guess i got too much sun on my head, im stupid :slight_smile:

So far the Dunu EST is doing a great job handling the songs where the variations bass (particularly sub bass) was a bit too much. Seems like it will be a nice complimentary pair.

The RxP Spring 1 is ā€¦ Interesting. Though for the amount I paid the accessories are well worth the cost.


Do take the graphs with a grain of salt, since they are using different drivers.

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Yeah, absolutely. I was just blind. Well lets just hope i like them! Also got e-pro horn tips to try them out :slight_smile:

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Iā€™m only 32, but as far as I know, I basically canā€™t hear 16kHz+ frequencies and I donā€™t seem to get too treble-fatiguedā€¦ though I also donā€™t really own any particularly bright gear so I donā€™t know how much of that is me and how much is coincidence.

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Most people canā€™t hear much around there and most music has little info there.
Spectograms show almost or nothing in that range on lossless files of rock and classic music


Test your hearing. How old is your hearing?

My hearing is that of a 28-29 year old so I can just begin hearing frequencies around the 16000 hz range. My left ear is a bit better than my right. I am actually 48 years old.


Just a language tip ā€“ I know this is especially confusing for German speakers, but English is confusing to anyone ā€“ when you used ā€œsensibleā€ I think you meant ā€œsensitiveā€.

ā€œSensitiveā€ means you respond to even a little of something.
ā€œSensibleā€ means being logical instead of emotional about something.

The reason itā€™s especially tricky for German speakers is sensible is literally German for sensitive.


Owwww. That is a great torture device in the form of a video.


Yeah, when those frequencies start squeezing into your ears, itā€™s NOT pleasant. But a good test none the less. Iā€™m VERY interested to hear how people score and if they consider themselves sensitive to treble or not.

I consider myself sensitive to treble and my hearing appears to be much better than my actual age. Then again, I am listening to the test on the Mest MKII which portrays everything crystal clear and some of the most transparent source gear available.

I consider myself sensitive to some forms of higher frequency treble. Age from video was 29-30 (just a bit over 16k), which is quite a bit lower then my physical age.

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According to that video, I undersold how badly Iā€™ve damaged my hearing, Iā€™m below 15kHz. (As mentioned before, I donā€™t consider myself to be treble-sensitive, though I also donā€™t own any bright gear, really.) Age-wise, the video places me about a decade older than my real age.

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I donā€™t think 15K is that bad actually, but I think this is all adding up to something and why some of us hear things differently. VERY COOL!

I want to hear more results.

How do I know itā€™s my ears and not that the iem just canā€™t play that high?

Itā€™s weird, I heard noise for all 100 years on both ears? I kind of skipped the intro so I might be missing something important.

On tests where the sound just keeps going up, I suddenly canā€™t hear at 18k hz so letā€™s go with that. 31 years old, unwise listening choices when I was in my early to mid teens, thankfully not as rash as Iā€™d thought. Only been to one live concert in my life though, Crosby Stills and Nash when I was 16 or so at the then ā€œCarling Apolloā€, youngest person I could see there!

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Was just scrolling down to comment and point this out but it looks like Iā€™m about 10 hours too late. Oh wellā€¦ back to it.

A bit wrong there, buddy. Land definitely does not have THINNER bass than FD5, if anything, itā€™s similar or may be even stronger.

Thanks for this! Yeah, its the same in portuguese :stuck_out_tongue: