Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 1)

Where are they going to be available to purchase? Linsoul? If so, do you know if they will make it available through DD Audio Store on Aliexpress?

For folks in Brazil like me for example buying through Linsoul means a 33 usd shipping cost (and also 60% tax on both the product price and also shipping cost) whereas from DD Audio on Aliexpress it’s free shipping and no tax…

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I imagine via DD as well as Linsoul as is usually the case. I’ll ask specifically :+1:

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Thanks Chris!

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No prob. Thanks for interest.
Shell is same as a very pricey set. Fit is great.
Had to be metal as my fave single DD were mostly metal.
(BLON 03, Kanas Pro, YBF, TFZ No3Ti, and others)
Cap is a “Peacock” who made a few nice ones before
Cable will be average tokeep price down. (my request) not a cable guy.

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Gotta love Brazilian taxes, i feel your pain bro i was born and raised in Sao Paulo but now i live in Canada and stuff i buy from China usually arrives fast and with no tax or duties at all!

Do you have a date for pre-orders already?

About the cable, will there be options as for 2.5, 4.4 or just 3.5mm?

I was pretty sure a company that couldn’t tune 3 dynamics wasn’t suddenly miraculously taming tribrids for $50 a pop. Glad I skipped that train.


I’ll know more/specifics in about 12 hours. i’ll share the info as soon as i get it.


Cool, what driver/drivers did you end up going with. Btw that black inlay is beautiful.

The stuff I buy from Aliexpress never got taxed but I get in contact with the seller and ask them to declare that everything costs from 5 to 20 usd. And I don’t feel bad for doing so as I think 60% is almost like armed robbery – so fck the brazilian government.

I used to live in Ottawa for some time. I went to go to Le Cordon Bleu in Ottawa to complete the Diplome de Cuisine. I enjoy the cold and I was there when they had a -36C. I miss Canada a lot.


Almost 8 winters later i can say the one thing i will never miss about Canada if i ever leave is the freaking cold! Still better than worrying about getting shot or kidnapped in a red light at night in Sao Paulo though, lol


I would gladly trade all the -36c days to never have to have a 35c day again.


Yeah, the GK3 is one of the few brands that have earned themselves an F ranking on my list. (E on Crinacle´s list.)

Just for reference where do you rate generic earbud #2503 that you used to get with your phone back before everyone was so bold and daring to remove a useful jack?

Totally understandable and the integrity of that is fully respected.

So how does a third party go about handling this? What’s the next step?

I’ll ask a person to contact whatever contact mail you use on Youtube :+1:

@TkSilver Hawaii is so much drier than Japan, this place is like a hot wet blanket. Olympic folks and judges are passing out in the swelter. I’d take 50 frozen days over 1 of these oven days.


I was in Phoenix, AZ when it hit 48c and learned a horrible truth. You can’t leave that hell by plane when it is over 115f (46-47c) since planes can’t get enough lift to clear the bowl. Also at those temps even dry heat hits you like a punch every time you walk out in to it.

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I live on the East Coast of the US. Where I live, it’s virtually the same humidity as Japan. I remember getting off the plane in japan and thinking immediately it felt just like where I was coming from. Felt like home, in a bad way haha.

Traveling through Kyoto in 100+ degrees and high humidity man…what a day! You sweat the first 10 minutes you just walk outside to get to the bus!


@hawaiibadboy will we be able to customize the plates? *. *

Possible option but at first it will be black and gold

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