Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 1)

You don’t believe cables bring out the mids…tighten the bass?

Nobody talking bout music
1st graph is from a buyer…me.


Now a bass guitar is going to SOUND LIKE a bass guitar on this set


They did talk about music…

But talking shit about someones library aint cool…


1DD? Whats the price range? Sub 50? Build looks very very nice. Like the black one

I believe in good and badly built cables. Heard differences with bad cables, not so much with well built cables like Xinhs. And if I hear differences, ill just think its placebo. Would never rec a cable for sound differences, even if i believed it, let alone 80+ usd cables :joy:

That thread is certainly heating up! People can get very pointed toward others.

Oh well! I’m about to get the GK10 and won’t be beholden to anyone’s opinions but what my ears tell me :slight_smile:

I read and appreciate everyone’s takes, as it gives me insights I may not think about on my own, but ultimately it always comes down to our own ears for how these sets actually make us feel.

BGGAR gets trash talked a bit by some for looking at graphs, but people may be overplaying how much they matter compared to his ears.

I’ve had terrific compatibility with his tastes, with what he comes off as enjoying. People gotta read all the lines out of people’s mouth before they trash but a few :slight_smile:


Will be sub $50
Am getting stoked.


I was joking.
I think it’s a buncha bullshit.
Even Linsoul doesn’t send em to me

Start review:

The cable works

/end of review


FR changes can happen with BA iems if the cables have different resistances. But otherwise, zero changes, pure BS (placebooooo).

(purple = high resistance, red = low-resistance)

low-resistance cable = 0.15 ohms
high-resistance cable = 0.46 ohms

Although not every BA iem gets affected.


Edited…movin along

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I’m using the tool and it tells me…

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It’s a wreck.
When folks shit on graphs you…need to consider why?

None of them bothered?


Let me send you a set for a review.
Give an opinion, mention some music. All I ask :sunglasses:


Do you have it graphed?

Abso-freakin-lutely! Message me any time to talk and so I can share shipping info. I would totally like to give an honest impression (with graph referencing and so on).


Thanks for the recs! I had never heard of either Darkwater or Circus Maximus before. I liked both but specially Darkwater, it really has that Images and Words vibe which i adore.

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@Rikudou_Goku Yes, I want a retail box I open before i publish on net. It’s ready to go into prod tomorrow morning.

@tkddans I’ll ask you to send an address to a 3rd party. I’ll never talk via PM with you from now on to be legit. Anything said good,bad or other will be public record. same deal for you @Rikudou_Goku


It’s getting their hopes up and hyping a product based on a product description list and price tag before hearing it. Then not wanting to believe the graph. I did the same thing with the FH5s. I was so hyped for that IEM and ultimately it was a disappointment when I heard it.

We both know audiophiles enjoy defending their favorite products with all kinds of nonsensical bullshit.

One of the latest ramblings I’ve seen lately is that this site is becoming a breeding ground for graph kiddies. As if graphs should have no place in describing audio gear.



As a music lover…like you…I think it comes down to listening and no 1 tuning is ideal or correct.
It works, or it doesn’t and that is personal.
disregarding a graph or attacking the grapher?
Isaw Crin get shaded al the time before and though I mostly disagree with favorites, i never thought his graphs were fucked. I learned he likes more energy than i do.
I don’t think I have ever shaded anyones efforts/graphs.

I HAVE…asked what music they listened to.
Back to the music…like i started this post