Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 1)

lol nice to see you doing some EQ! But to me, bass fun starts at +10dB :crazy_face:

I hate EQ, but with over ears, itā€™s almost necessary.

+10db? I thought youā€™d be at least +15db. Amature. :wink:

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He said startsā€¦ where it ends only the gods of bass truly know.


Iā€™ve seen where itā€™s ended. It caused me nightmares!


LOL, honestly i think i have +10dB on the Fostex and +15dB on the LCD-X.

I know its a lot and its not natural sounding at all, but that is the way i like it! I just turn it off completelly when i listen to acoustic recordings.

Where does your bass shelf begin? Screenshots please.

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This is my wife telling me my open back headphones are too loud when I listen to it in our living room (while she wants to watch something on the TV).


Ha ha This happened to me with my girlfriend. This is why I have a home with 5 bedrooms. I have my own space where I can crank speakers, guitar, headphones, IEMs whatever.

She has complained a few times about the noise but not nearly as much as our last residence where I was around her more.

It looks like youā€™re up in an attic or something in your reviews?


So much of this depends on the software being used. Hiby player on my Hiby R5 hard freezes for like half an hour if I try to load 8,000 songs on it. PowerAmp or USB Audio Player PRO loads everyhing with no sweat at all and fast as hell at that.

Thankfully I can sideload any android app on the R5 and Iā€™m not bound to the shitty stock player.

I actually like the stock player, but currently I am trying to solve an issue with the Android audio stack since it seems to be causing the internal dac to flip out every time I try to run an Audiobook player. The files themselves play fine in a bunch of music player appsā€¦ just not audiobook ones.

Iā€™m in a third floor with a bedroom. My parents house actually, since my apartment doesnā€™t have a den or office.

Trying to get a new home though soon with an office space. Whether condo or house.

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Looks like youā€™re in an attic

Iā€™m 3rd floor of parents house

Dear God get outā€¦

GET OUT NOW before Rez gets youā€¦dear god nooooo!!


Any recommendations on cables? Yeah I was going to buy them this week but went to leave work and my dang car wouldnā€™t start today so there goes 150 bucks for a batteryšŸ¤£ I love life sometimes lol also any recommendations on an adaptor for my usb c on my android.

Hah! Yea at least itā€™s only for making the video reviews.

I donā€™t live there anymore, for a few years now. Man, I couldnā€™t live with them anymore. Have to have my own place for a family.

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Tidy :+1:

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Did you purchased them or Fiio just sent you a unit for reviewing?

Troll post: yeah of course. Have you seen the penon totem? The copper will tighten your bass and the silver coating will improve the soundstage, treble and ā€œtechnicalitiesā€. 800usd but its the bargain of the year. Coated in kangurus piss and soaked in kate beckinsaleā€™s sweat to improve the upper harmonics while extending the frequency range to below zero!!

Real post: Well, 95% are from Xinhs store on aliexpress. Gets a big rec since you can customize them. Really depends on your tastes and wallet, but dont spend much on a cable. Look for quality > comfort > looks. I can help you out via PM to not spamm this thread. Theres also an iem cable thread in this forum! Drop by :slight_smile:

For the adaptor to my android, I use the one @Ohmboy just linked, but the silver one (think its then previous version). If you wanna keep a few bucks, just get apple usb c dongle for 8usd. Its more than enough.


M3X is a beast. Dont let the price fool you. I throw 512gbs cards and he hands it like it should. Zero problems so far. Very good bang for your buck.

I bought it.
Paid for fast shipping but took 10 damn days anyways