Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 1)

Do you think they were asking about the Mele specifically? Not sure myself.

I can answer that as yes and if Chris knows thought he could tell us. Sorry I was not clearer.

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It’s a $50 IEM I just kinda assumed I was going to swap the cable.

Since the value is probably going into the IEM itself, I’d say they are getting some cheap 3.5mm. It’s a 2pin so easy to swap. I already own a 100usd cable (BECAUSE IT MATCHES!!! >.<) waiting for it


That’s what I thought but thought zi ask thanks:)

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I believe there will be an option to select a balanced cable. Stock option will be 3.5


It’s here! Currently trying out with 4.4mm balanced. It easily gets loud with the FD5. I turned the volume knob a lil bit and it gets to my usual listening levels pretty fast. It sure does sound lively so far!


Nice combo :raised_hands:

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Nice! :slight_smile: maybe you are using high gain?

(if gain button is green, turn it off)

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LOL, sorry, kinda spamming my own thread…actually #notsorry :grimacing:


Thats the final cable?

They look even better now with the gold flakes


Thanks! Yeah, I started playing around a bit after listening to 2 songs and it was on! I switched it off and I still have to only turn the volume knob just a tad and it got loud again.

It’s not necessary for me to play it in high gain right? I assume that’s more for headphones?

I would like to say that this particular song is now really more fun to listen to with an almost night & day difference. The instrument seperation are more pronounced now and the vocals are more clear. Gonna be fun listening to my other music library!


That’s the whole purpose of this thread! :joy:

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It was suggested to do a vid to coincide with the giveaways starting tonight but…I’d rather do it when it is live and people can hover over the buy button for 10 minutes before getting out OR clicking buy.

Hey…look…look…look at this…no waiiiiit!!

Maybe an intro but unlisted?


Yes, no need for high gain on 98% of the IEMs you’ll own. Most IEMs will sound fine from an apple dongle and a cellphone.

What you’re hearing is more power output and probably better chips than the sony, which will make the sound be more of your liking (or not, everyone likes different things). The main problem with the entry level daps from sony is the power output.

Funny how 3 months ago I had that exactly setup: nw-a105, q3 and fd5. Returned all three, got mangird teas and the shanling m3x and never looked back.

I miss the q3, its a very nice piece of equipment. I miss FD5’s beryllium bass, liked it very much, but that mids and treble were killing my soul. I dont miss the sony. Fuck that piece of crap DAP.


I think you can do a short one talking about the give away and showing the goodies, not a review

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Might go with that idea :call_me_hand:


Such a tease