Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 1)

Yeah, I suppose it’s better chips. I am using the Sony A55 after all but it’s still pretty good on it’s own. Wonderful battery life and I can use it as my bluetooth device if I need to! I do feel that the Q3 is good enough for my listening needs and will focus on saving up for the Variations.

Yup. I can understand about the mids and treble on the FD5. I still got gripes on the mids with vocals being recessed in some of my favourite songs and having sibilance (Female “ssss…” vocals) as well. But because I mainly listen to K-Pop, It’s been an overall great package for my listens 90% of the time.

Currently using the Q3 on my M1 Macbook and it works like a charm on apple music! Sound is definitely much better!

I can’t imagine how the more expensive DACs will sound like if the Q3 is already good enough for me.

Keep in mind dimishing returns, tho :upside_down_face: Spend the money on IEMs to try different signatures, for now. And get Mele :rofl:

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Whoops! Hahaha! Yeah I will keep that in mind. And yes, get Mele :joy:

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Already watched this video :rofl:


yeah, that one was kinda bummer. Just left it running in another tab, tbh

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What vid was it? Thanks btw!
@Rainlynd Thank you :raised_hands:

It was your Tea and Thie V14 shoutout :heart_eyes:

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Teas vs legacy I think. Of course I already saw every vid about the Teas you published… That’s why I bought them :rage:

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Oh…that’s cool. Atleast it wasnt a rant vid :sweat_smile:

I mean all of your videos about Tea almost made me wanted to buy it, shame there are other things I need to take care of.

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That woulda been priceless :rofl:

Imagine you just know HBB from this IEM collaboration giveaway on Linsoul and the video you have to watch is one of the rant videos


I am so blessed. :raised_hands:
I have a girl who loves me :gift_heart:
I have my health :raised_hands:
I have money :moneybag: :yen:

Everything else is just gravy.

And I fucking LOVE gravy :call_me_hand:


I do not know if it is in your plans, but wait till you have kid(s)… fully unconditional love


@hawaiibadboy Do you know if Linsoul will be selling the Mele on Amazon from the start? Right now in Europe, with customs expenses, VAT etc, products are almost double the original price.

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I am not sure. Definitely willgo up on Amazon. Not sure if from 20th. If you mail her she likely will. Where there is a demand…there must be a supply :raised_hands:

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Amazon would be amazing, trully. I just hope to get it from linsoul quickly, but will prolly take close to 2 weeks :frowning:

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+1 for Amazon.

@hawaiibadboy pretty sure I caught someone else making this suggestion somewhere in here, but I’d also be interested in a vid covering the collaboration process - elements like deciding on the configuration, what materials you want, process of developing the tuning specification and how you make sure it’s implemented as you’ve specified. Within reason though and only what you’d want to/or be able to share.


I will go over all of that in the review with compares to Hana 2021, BLON 03 and others. I’ll be specific and very clear. If i miss any details about the process ,etc, I’ll do a livestream Q&A :call_me_hand: :hibiscus: