Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 1)

heavy breathing

Rly hope you save some bucks there!

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I had a confusing moment during prep for Hana 2021 review.

Thought. That does sound a bit better. Enjoying the Hana over my set just a bit on a couple tracks
Black Sabbath
“Sweet Leaf”
bass pulls and drums around 2:36 mark ( bass and drums were spot on.)


Fleetwood Mac “Dreams”
Stevie Singing the open:

Now here you go again
You say you want your freedom
Well, who am I to keep you down?

(No sheen to Stevie’s vocals at “…you want your freeeedom…”)

I had seen them graphed and it’s minimal difference and i was focusing so much for that i got confused which set was in my ears. ( like the Gopro shows I am mostly looking at 55" monitor and not down much) It seemed Hana 2021 resolved a bit better and kick was cleaner.

I actually had Mele in my ear and not Hana.



50 Melee vs 180 Hana 2021 with only minor differences?!?!?!


Good to know. I was interesting and grabbing the Hana but for the price, ill prolly only take mele and save some bucks :slight_smile: do you have a graph already?

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I do, will share in the review before anyone spends a dime. This is a graph friendly zone :raised_hands: :hibiscus: :call_me_hand:


Haven’t seen a dedicated TA Oracle thread, so I’ll post here also to give credit to BGGAR review that was the “deciding factor” to buy them :smile:
These little toys are simply fenomenal :heart_eyes: cannot put them off my ears. Yes MEST2 are slightly better for technicalities, but man these Oracle have a fantastic tuning, incredibly engaging. Cannot believe these toys are “only” 500$ (well…“only” is referred to the crazy prices I’m seeing around for TOTL)
PS I bought them through (I live in EU) for much less than 500€ (a real steal) but unfortunately I see that linsoul store on has closed… hopefully it’s just a temporary thing…


How long did you wait for them?

You will review mele? Aren’t you afraid of a “conflict of interests” doing this?

I’d definitely take a video of how designing/tuning an iem works.

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certainly hope so cause i want to buy them soon :money_mouth_face:

Thanks Chris

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I think somewhere very high up in the list should be “I have access to Wagyu beef”


2 months… ordered early june, arrived early august

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Thanks for the trust!! :raised_hands: :hibiscus:

Simphonio Rx10
(will update post with a graph later)


well, I have a Tea, an Oracle and a MEST MKII… do you see a pattern here? :smile: :smile:



I just ordered me a pair of the Mangird Teas thank you for the recommendation! Be my first real pair of iems hopefully they live up to everyone’s praise. Also I’ll giggle a little if they blow my modified dt990s out of the water lol thank you again guys will let you know how they are when they arrive!


I mainly use headphones but I want to experience the magic of IEMs. Do you think I need both mangird tea and thieaudio oracle or just the oracle will be enough?

Oracle is fantastic if not almost clinical/precise
Mangird TEA is just a touch laid back with a bit more warmth. Just a tad, but that’s part of it’s appeal

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