Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 1)

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What happened to Head fi?

I just stuck my head in and it’s

“You are wrong”
“This cable really makes____ shine”

Across multiple threads

that was always part of the site but it seems like a lot of the genuine enthusiasts have or are just walking away.
Leaving shills and their Psycophants as a uncomfortable large part of the daily posters.


Sad to hear. I follow one or two specific product/brand threads and have some PMs going with people I trust.

Done, ordered the tea. Hopefully it’s my cup of tea!



I guess that for any platform, there are threads where people unleash their bias and toxicity.
There are threads that are very helpful and with people who share the same tastes.
I personally only follow two threads there for gear I own to see suggestions of pairing and ideas from people.

I won’t make friends here, but reading this thread it is not all positivity and love :slight_smile: the problem is us, human rather than the location.

Let’s agree this hobby has so many myths and personal taste, it makes it entertaining at least!


This thread went sideways when graphs were treated as un important or false info
When @Rikudou_Goku was getting personally attacked by a dude there.

You use same name on Head fi? I notice the Traillii in your avatar, I assume that is one of the threads you enjoy.
It is a very good set if not crazy expensive


yep, I am one of the Bird fanboy. And it is a good example, at such obscene price, it could be easy for the thread to be only attacks about it, but it is going well.
For sure my point is not to defend the whole community. There are toxic elements everywhere, the more people, the worse.


I actually find that thread to be one of the best on the whole site. :call_me_hand:
People pay crazy money for watches that tell the same time as a cheaper set and on and on.
Whatever makes folks happy is what is good and who are others to even try to tell us what we like is not good?


It depends on the person, but most of them don’t care about the watch — they aren’t buying it for the time. Like art, rich people buy it as an investment, the same goes for watches. Why store the money in the bank if you can buy a watch and also profit off of it. Think of it as an object which stores your money. Most people buying the million dollar art couldn’t care less about it, they mostly care if its profitable. Rich people things I guess…

You said it very well “Whatever makes folks happy”. We all have different interests and different personalities.


HiFi Guides is the best community I’ve seen. The worst part about audiophile forums is that people just tend to personally attack you and are toxic. I don’t see much of that here. On Head-Fi it’s 50/50, I’ve had a positive experience over there tbh. Head-Fi and HiFi Guides are the two communities where I’m most active, but it sucks when you see people being rude and ignorant.

Keep it peaceful and about the music =)



Nasty. Review inc?

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When I saw the Ovidius RX 100 the first thought that came to my mind was “BAs in the nozzle” because of you @hawaiibadboy lol

And I wondered if Ovidius would be able to do that not suck as it’s generally the case… :rofl:

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Me too, I thought same.

That 5-8Khz was screamin outta the Fiio. This is closer to a TEA type replay

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                                                       // @DISKETTEPARK

Mele crush everybody.

Have not compared actualy but Mele is closer to a Hana 2021/Blon 03 type (1/DD)


What’s the price for rx 100?

Looks like $230

Oh, no wonder I haven’t found it. :smile: Where does then “rx 100” comes from, if I may ask?

I think so.

It says that on box and Qin Armor