Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 1)

Ah ok, thanks for clarification

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No prob. I will give it some serious listening and get ready for a review of it. It will definitely get a vid.


Crin didnā€™t seem too sold, but gave it 4/5 and trashed on GL12

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Itā€™s interesting how bashing comes up so much, particularly of Zeos. I think that may just come with the territory perhaps. More views = more people who each have a chance to find a negative aspect to the reviewer.

Zeos has over 200k subs, more than any single audiophile community reviewer.

I hear what people see bad about him (or other reviewers), yet I keep on not feeling bad about those things they are claimed of doing. The bad stuff simply doesnā€™t bother me much for whatever reason. Sometimes thatā€™s because I donā€™t always see some things as ā€œbad,ā€ more than I just see it usually as personality quirks and styles.

He rambles, but I quite find it interesting to hear free association about what comes to mind when people think aloud of the gear. Thereā€™s a way to dig that.

I donā€™t watch a lot though simply becaus Zeosā€™ style isnā€™t one I enjoy frequently - as it can be time consuming to hear when sometimes all you feel like wanting is a shorter more direct take.

Man Iā€™m rambling now arenā€™t I

TLDR; Zeosā€¦ I ainā€™t even mad tho


Did you mean ā€œyet I keep on feeling bad about whats been said about themā€?

If so I agree. :+1:

There are plenty of reviewers Iā€™m not a fan of, or ones that I am a fan of but have criticisms/doubts of, but they would have to be dreadful and display bad character for me to talk about them in a way I wouldnā€™t mind if they were to read it. Even poor content takes a lot of time to make, and heck itā€™s more than Iā€™m making.

People can be cruel over the anonymous internet, and as soon as people detect others might have the same criticisms to make as them, it can make them feel good about themselves to say something mean that puts them firmly in the ā€œright teamā€ for the forum/space theyā€™re on. But itā€™s a real person, who took the time to make content, who has gets targeted by their thoughtless slamming.

My take on YouTube reviewers especially is that I simply donā€™t need to watch the ones I donā€™t enjoy or value as much. Thereā€™s no need to go out of oneā€™s way to discourage them. Positive criticism would be different, but thatā€™s not what weā€™re addressing here.

In this case my take on Zeos is that heā€™s a lovable audio enthusiast who has uncontrollably enthusiastic responses to things he likes. So I personally take the reviews with a lot of salt, and enjoy the entertaining commentary from time to time, his ramblings can be very funny.

Either way, I really appreciate the time it takes for all of you video makers. Even without any b-roll, fancy transitions, etc. getting thoughts together in the first place takes an awful lot of time. And itā€™s invaluable to here someone elseā€™s take, from somewhere else in the world, on what are essentially niche products with limited coverage. Thanks for sharing those thoughts.


Fixed! Thanks for pointing out the ambiguity of the text.

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He had IEM in his ears for a few seconds.
I think this was a gag video

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Built like a tank
Looks like one too


This moment I wish Visual ears Ext would have this design :frowning:


Iā€™m pre ordering both so Iā€™ll get a close up look at VE Purple :raised_hands:


Looking forward to the test of both. Curious how they compare to the Elysian Acoustic Labs X. There is really lot of competition for the high price now.

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I really like the design and the Purple, at least it stands out - Iā€™ll be all over the EXT when I win the lottery!

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It might be on my Patreon raffle in Octoberā€¦unless it blows my mind thenā€¦then I keep it :raised_hands:
Iā€™m hoping to be amazed. Noble Sultan is a puzzling $3000 bummer. Sounds like a glob of cotton is blocking everythingā€¦but itā€™s not.
LOVE the case though and everything over $2000 should have that case


Love the ā€œXā€
Think the guy is trying to catch up with orders. Still waiting for my cable from him.


Tanchjim Prism. $600 :thinking:


Is prism a single DD? šŸ„²

Iā€™m really impressed with the quality of the Stargate dongle, my first Tanchjim product, and this guy looks crazy good, will def be curious your thoughts on this oneā€¦

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This was supposed to be 1DD 2BA. But in this price range Tanchjim forgot about 2EST part.


Iā€™m out then. At that price range, you must have ESTs or Single DD to get my attention


Still hoping for a refresh of the Oxygen, since the improvements to the Hana seem to be really good.


The only reason I didnt buy the Hana 2021 (yet) is the Mele. And that Aladdin is looking at me too