Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 1)

Gold and white is the reason I didn’t go for the 2021 Hana. I don’t have an oxygen because I found out there is a blacked out one and now it is that or an upgraded version… I won’t settle.


I really wanted to like the Noble Sultan, cause I somehow like the design. But… indeed it felt like a scam for the price. There is nothing it does that the MEST is not better at. It felt like a very flat experience, nothing bad, but nothing good.
I remember an Audio Youtuber picking the Sultan over the Odin, that’s why I tried it, but boy, what a disappointment.


No, (1/DD 2/BA) and it’s priced among tribrids so it won’t have that timbre of a solo DD or airy extension of a well done tri brid.


Tommy M your Sony is packed like a boss. Local P.O. is literally closed by Corona.
Japan is …nutz ( another story)

It will be out the door and on the way soon :call_me_hand: :hibiscus:


Sultan over ODIN???

LOL, edited

Elysian Labs “X” packaging


Yeah, thats a no from me

I admit I judged you silently before the edit!

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typed backwards.

read my own words an hour later and was like…wait…wtf??


Chris, when is Mele vid coming up? 20th?

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Yes, will drop right when the link goes live. by my choice.

Saying something is worth the money then saying…but please wait is just not cool…I hate waiting…for anything…ever


it’s good. I’m impressed with the clarity & the micro detail. Then i change the cable to moondrop bort, and it makes Variations more open and crystal clear. But i lost something in here : MID BASS. The low sector like a boomy bass thing, i missed it Which i assume, Variations is SUB BASS oriented.

Then here we go again, I’m going to search for iem that have technicality like Variations and can fill my lost about the thumping Bass.

When you rec you add your library.
Telling folks to spend $500+ fucking dollarz without context leads to this and folks are all over my channel and DM’s about this


Yeah, library and personal taste is the part most people forget… Best IEM in the world wont sound good if you listening to some music you hate.

Get some music that makes you dance or sing, then get something that makes you enjoy it even more. After that, listen to the music, not the gear.

People keep doing inpulse buys based on thumbnails :slight_smile:


B roll and thumbnails. Short attention span theater for the “L” :expressionless:

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I think ill just stop and save for a bit, get mest and be done. Keep teas as my beaters, sell everything else



Oriolus did the de-emphasis as a tuning tactic and Mangird did it by accident?..I dunno
It has all the info just as the Traillii does. It is quite appealing for vocals as that cut takes away fatigue.

I love the UP and it’s a great switch up from the Oracle.
My music library directly impacts my rec’s and opinions…FYI :call_me_hand:



Same plan here, just holding my money for awhile and then going right for that MKII endgame.


Yeah, even more when I’m close to always rotate between 1 IEM and some Buds.

Teas are not leaving my collection I think. First real love is hard to beat, specially for that price :slight_smile:

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I’m starting to consider the MEST mkII now…Got someone local who’s selling a pair for $1100 Even though I technically can’t afford it right now, perhaps he might be willing to let me pay it in installments hopefully

Probably best thing I can do is wait until I’m in a more financially advantageous position (i.e. No longer a student and got a job) And very much hope someone doesn’t snatch it up before then…

It’s kinda weird once you find a set that just makes your library sound so fucking dope it’s hard to be interested in other sets tbh…if you’re in it for the music that is?..Sure I have a couple of other sets I use for more specific genres but :man_shrugging:…Hopefully our pre-Covid UK Canjam tickets are still good for Autumn this year? as it would be interesting to hear some other sets without any risk of disappointment or financial loss :musical_score::smiley:


Nothing has touched MEST since I got em. i knew right away too.
Like love.

I buy stuff to review cuz companies don’t trust me to stay on script.
Not chasing anything anymore though