Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 1)

Maybe it’s time to try Rhapsodio Infinity MK2. One of few IEMs that is said to be able to make the MEST MK2 sweat.

Looks crazy with those coils.

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I owned em.
Same as Sultan, I was not able to appreciate them. No sense in playing smartass in a video and picking stuff apart. Same reason a 64 U18s vid is not coming.

The copper winds to look pretty damn cool :fire:


At $3990 it better do a whole lot more than that…Do a Dustin on a Conor and yeah that’ll get some attention lol.


What tha FOOOK??


I bought the Xenns Up due to the graph and your review yes. I was really interested by how it mimics the Bird, however the end result is really different.
I liked the Up, but still prefer the Trailli by a solid margin for my library. For your music I understand you prefer the Up.
It is a good product for its price range.

I like the Traillii so much cause it sounds smooth like the Susvara, and the planar somehow made me more tolerant regarding BA bass.

Now all my hopes are in the Elysian Acoustic Labs X and the future EE Legend Evo. (bone conductor, so who knows!)


They were compared for the dip which takes away a lot of fatigue for my library.
Not because they are equall. :raised_hands:



Would love to hear that set too :smiley:

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I hope that is a demo cap cuz I am buying em too.


look forward to seeing if they make the grade

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I did laugh…this my reply to Precog’s Mest II review…“So Z1R > MEST I > MESTII?”

antdroid’s response…"Z1R is only for the blessed ears :wink:

Mest is for everyone else."


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Me too :raised_hands:



The amount of dedication you put into the hobby/community by spending your own money, and a LOT of it, on top of your graphing, reviewing, thorough comparing…

It takes a lot and I’m grateful you’re doing it. Just wanted to say that for some reason right now. Maybe it was because I just scrolled through idk how many thousands of dollars of gear you just posted about here.

Much appreciation man!


The folks who talk about this stuff rarely mention my music.
I kind of have to do it because the Money = SQ is B.S.
I think a lot of folks spend strangers money easy with their glowing bullshit words and I have felt the misery moment that has driven lots away from the hobby.

Thanks for the words. :call_me_hand:


Mele when? :rage:

(sorry, had to :joy:)

Maybe you can put some waifus on the box, worked with moondrop!




Thanks, take my card.




Be careful. This could either be the wisest choice you’ll make in the hobby or the worst depending if you want the hobby to continue or end.

From my personal experience owning the MEST MKII, I’ve lost the excitement I had acquiring new IEMs. Anytime I think about buying something new, I immediately ask myself “why”?

If you want to end the chase, buying the MEST MKII is probably the IEM that will do the job. I didn’t buy it with that goal, but that’s what’s happened to me. I have lots of other IEMs with different sound signatures that I really enjoy, but the acquisition of the MEST MKII has destroyed my excitement to even think about buying a new IEM.

I was planning on buying Mele and a FD3 just to have something new to play with, but I think I’m going to skip them because what’s the point? I was excited for the Zen Pro but after seeing the graph and thinking about it, again, what’s the point?

I’ve got my HE6se sitting here, MEST MKII and Xenns Up and I could die a happy man.

What’s actually been on my mind is investing in a custom MEST MKII.


I want it to end. I entered for the music, stayed for the gear, but want to stay for the music.

My new plan is simple: Get Mest MkII, upgrade source (maybe), delve a bit into open-backs like HE6se. End-game (few years and a steady home) will be speakers.


Then I can’t agree with your plan more.