Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 1)

Tis a strange one the “end”… the feeling of totally enjoying your library without wondering or stressing about any other set…just music :smiley:

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By the time i save up enough for MKII there would be MKIV or even MKV. Maybe even human colony on the Moon.


Exactly as you say.

I would join you but now that I’m reviewing things, I’m exploring new stuff all the time…and none of it has come close to the MEST. Even headphones.

The MEST really have ruined expectations I have for all other gear. It’s tough to imagine anything hitting the SS I feel for them. I genuinely think if I never had them to compare others to, many other items I’ve tried would be more appreciated by me and higher ranked than where I put them currently.

And I would’ve been unlikely to have gotten the MEST if it wasn’t for BGGAR. It’s all his fault. Freakin reviewer with good tastes. I can’t believe that guy! :stuck_out_tongue:

The MEST seismically shifted my sense of what is enjoyable for me. Listening to my headphones after having the MEST…I’m finding myself wanting to lower their ranks almost across the board. Even the HE6SE, which was a S, is finding itself as an A now. Still the same great power house it is for full library playback, but the joy sparked by the MEST is just so great that I can’t call the HE6SE a “S,” when I’m trying for reserve that rank (in my quirky “joy” ranking system) for stuff that currently gives me extreme engagement. And it’s the same great quality it’s always been! It’s just that what I connect with has altered. It’s like now my ears are only reserved for things that have something flashy to them, or else I’ll just use the MEST.


100% this. This is what I want. Just music and troll some threads like this :joy:


Of course I love the music, but as you guys probably know, I love the “gear” aspect of this hobby. I didn’t realize how much fun I had discussing and exploring new IEMs until I lost that excitement. I’ve actually been quite bummed and a bit depressed because I realize there’s a 95% chance, anything I acquire from here on out will be quickly discarded and forgotten.

I have the MEST MKII for audiophile perfection, and the likes of the Xenns Up and Variations for fun. I guess I entered “endgame” unintentionally and am struggling with it. I know I should just shut up and be happy, but I miss getting excited and talking about new and different IEMs.


Most people would probably want their real endgame lol.


The hunt has been a lot of fun. But now it’s over and I didn’t expect it to be. Make sense?

The MEST MKII is the perfect middle-ground of tuning while having all the technicalities anyone could ever ask for.


I also love the gear aspect of the hobby, dont get me wrong.

This is more of a awake call of myself to make some changes. Dont wanna keep thinking “what if”. Im sure ill find another rabbit hole to drown in :slight_smile:

Also, there’s a plus. I might quit smoking to fund it, so win-win :upside_down_face:


Nah, you’re totally doing the right thing. Good for you. Also good luck quitting smoking. I never started, but I know that’s a horrible addiction for people.

Damn, if that ain’t the most hypnotising gif I’ve ever seen… :sweat_smile:


THANK YOU!!! now my wallet will start crying again :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


I feel like I’ve reached a similar moment… Only my endgame is a Shuoer EJ07M modded with a Tanchjym Tanya/Oxygen damper and a silver plated cable. Yes, I am in love with Frankenstein…

Seriously… I own too many IEMs, even bought a Dunu SA6 just to try to shift me away from it (it being the “mini U12T”, presumably), but nothing I own (Tea, EST 112, LZ A7,etc.) comes even close to the EJ07M. A few people rate them higher or close to the MEST MKII, I am sure the crowd here will disagree, but where I am sitting I can’t concieve a better IEM, as blissful an ignorance as this may be. I will rest now (for a while).

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There’s a few folks that don’t put MEST as best…precog and antdroid to name two…always best to make your own mind up when it comes to how sets replay your library :+1:


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This is why I have been avoiding the MEST and some other End Game probable options, I am having too much fun trying things and I don’t really want something that just destroys everything else so completely it takes the magic of discovery away.



Z1R fit scares me tho, and U12T is at 2 killobucks, full BA.

Time will tell!


It should. I tried it and it was a no-go for me. :frowning:

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But does she do Hi-Res Audio??


In January I bought the Tea and a FiiO M11. Sold my HD800, Schiit stack and AudioLab 6000CDT. Ripped my CD collection.

I had reached END GAME! :grinning:


Now I own the Fir VxV and the Ibasso dx300… :worried: