Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 1)

I placed my order at 20 Aug 01:37. I don’t even know if that should put me in the first batch or not.

From my personal experience in a selling-and-sending business, The orders that fall out of queue are the ones with additional items which are out of stock, or that need a manual treatment (wrong/weird shipping info, customer comment,…). So that basically can be any order, as far as we know.

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I got my shipping confirmation and got the gold ones so you’ll get some bling pics :heart_eyes:


Status still ‘unfulfilled’ … i guess Linsoul underestimated the power of ‘Mele’. LOL

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@hawaiibadboy just curious, what would be your driver setup if they asked you to make a $500 IEM set? The Mele looks great, just wondering what you’d do if you went all in


yeah, I got my order in at 00:47 :man_shrugging:

Guys, don’t worry, you prolly will get them shipped today or during this week.

Seems like dhl is having some traffic problems, my package is still on china when usually it would be on Europe already. Fingers crossed


@hawaiibadboy 7hz video? Don’t leave us hanging :frowning:


LOL, that is like his best role ever. :joy:

@nymz I’m going to compare with other planar so it will take a bit longer


Thanks for the hard work bro, gj!

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I really like mine HarmonicDyne PD1! Do they perform better than them???! I literally can’t take them off my ears, but they want a lot of equalizer !!! :wink:

Out of curiosity… Why would you want an IEM/buds/headphones that need a lot of EQ tweaking to sound good? Why not buy something that sounds good out of the box?

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I have some that sound good out of the box, but you always need an equalizer, no way !! But Harmonic`s are fantastic, the planar driver does things that BA can’t, in my opinion!!!

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Transients don’t change a lot with EQ AFAIK. And God those planar transients are good!!
I don’t know about stage or imaging.

^^^ X2 needs EQ? then sell them on…Chris doesn’t EQ and why would he?

Just buy shit that jam’s with your library no :man_shrugging:


I think the 7Hz is the best planar IEM out there.
P1 owners should really consider checking them out :call_me_hand:


Full video now :rage:

ok you have my interest, I’ve never heard a planar iem before, these look dope too

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I think planar are ready for primetime. These are a clear step up from P1 and that took 2 years and countless Planar or planar hybrids I never did vids for.

@nymz I was rambling my ass off. Probably have to re-do :grimacing:


will be patiently waiting for this vid with your impressions and comparisons