Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 1)

If these can replace something like the Hifiman Sundara in that price range, then IEM planars are finally making leaps. :+1:


Tri I3 Pro is an Tribid Planar that Iā€™m curious aswel, Riku is reviewing it right now.

This might have future :slight_smile:


Man there mustā€™ve been a whole lotta pasta thrown at a wall to come up with a good tuning on that set :man_shrugging:

In my country, that expression is giberish for whole lotta money so yeah, for sure. And itā€™s cheap. Iā€™m very curious, but either that or Timeless, only getting one.

(Curious fact, I need none, would be nice for my collection, but still. I was counting on Mele to arrive sooner, to satisfy my iner addicted. Can we blame Chris?)

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Just re did to be more concise, will edit tomorrow and it will be up tomorrow night.
Fantastic set. Anyone who even kinda liked to loved P1 should check this out


Short Strength + Weaknesses summary of Timeless? :innocent:

Iā€™ve heard about good bass but thatā€™s it

Sorry to let you know that the mids are super fucked up on the TRI i3, theyā€™re actually atrocious.

Hard stay away, not recommended.

(Itā€™s also ranked way low on BGGARā€™s list)

it is the I3 Pro he is referring to and the one I am reviewing which is damn good. Works very well for my library.


Oh my bad. My point still stands though :relaxed:

TRI kind of lost my trust after the original and I would be really surprised if the Pro was wildly different in tuning.


Yes, the Pro :slight_smile: My library canā€™t coop with bad mids.

Well it looks like they fixed the mids!


No complaints about that for me.

8k schlong though. Another ā€œhiddenā€ prob with the original was that the bass driver felt physically too far away, it was slow and mushy compared to the planar. Incoherent is the word Iā€™m looking forā€¦

Slow? Well, they must have changed something, because this is one of the fastest bass (with this much quantity) I have heard. Not as fast as the Tanchjim Oxygen or the Fiio FD5, but pretty close and this one has a lot more quantity than the Oxygen (and the FD5).

Coherency is actually pretty good, but there is some slight BA timbre in the treble, so there is a bit of incoherency.

100% - just seeing the gif cracks me up


Yikes, personally, I regard the FD5 as rather lethargic. Itā€™s a 12mm DD after all, I mean I wouldnā€™t expect a particularly fast bass response even if itā€™s coated with Beryllium.

DD size sweet spot seems to be, to me, around 9/10mm. If you want a ā€œbiggerā€ macro sound without losing detail, should go with Planar IEMs or just go straight to headphones.

More bass will of course add to the decay and lower the sense of snap, tempo, bounce whatever ya wanna call it :stuck_out_tongue:

Edit: I donā€™t mean to come across as brash. :grimacing:

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Absolutely agree. And FiiO I avoid it, they have the worst tuning department!!!

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Take your time! Donā€™t let @nymz push you around! :wink:


Youā€™re just afraid you might impulse buy something.