Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 1)

You’re… :stuck_out_tongue:

Yore… :crazy_face:

Auto-correct, sorry. I’m alt-tabing during work + not an english native speaker, so yeah.


Me? Impulse buy?


You’d never do a thing like that. Perish the thought. :laughing:


As long as is on sale… Right? (looks at b2)

Do it fast! You’ll regret it if you don’t! There will never be a sale again! You’ll lose money if you buy it later on and don’t grab it now!

These are all the things that go through my head when I see something I’ve had my eye on, on sale. :slight_smile: I’m such a girl.


I’m more the type of girl who wakes up, thinks “I should buy Lands. Gonna pay for Express shipping, too impacient.” Let me refresh tracking every 5 mins. “shit, are they lost? Better to contact support, even if I bought 15min ago”


Mele entered europe. Might arrive tomorrow. I repeat, code black.


Quick question for you guys - if you receive a faulty IEM and the manufacturer literally admits to it (accidentally) after its been returned, should you as customer

  1. Still pay for shipping both ways (as in return)

  2. Stand to be accused of abusing their honesty for demanding reimbursement for shipping both ways?

I mean If you recieve a product and you don’t like it and it turns out it’s faulty, you literally have paid shipping for something you didn’t order, technically speaking.

I’m not unreasonable here … Right?

If its faulty, they pay. End. If they start talking shit, fuck them and ask for a full reimbursement.

I also ask for vat if paid twice.

Thanks, that’s that’s reassuring.

I wrote, well, painted a vivid picture of the hell that will break loose if they take that path. All while being polite and courteous. The point is to get my money back, not piss them off and make them double down on their emotionally fueled piss decision.

Customers have incredible influence power these days.

Which company, btw?

If it’s from Aliexpress, be careful as they will try to trick you on every step of the dispute process.


I told them I wouldn’t expose them in forums if they choose to do the right thing, which they have now replied that they will.

Why risk it over literally €20 I don’t know.

They’ve been a pleasure to deal with up until they became petty :man_shrugging:

They’re not well known so probably it’ll be okay. They learned their lesson now I think.

However, It still makes for pretty juicy drama.

(I’m green dot)

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Yeah I know who it is but i’ll not spill the beans. Sucks tho. This is my worst nightmare, not gonna lie. Been pretty lucky so far. Only problems I got were cables and they sent me another so all good.


Will we be the only 2 here? Ohhhhh we can brag!! :joy:

Oh rly? Maybe I’m too obvious. Oops! I neither confirm or deny anything :smiley:

I had a slight moment of despair and freaked out when he gave that long answer but then I remembered that I have basically all I need to destroy him legally and reputationally.

Just give a slight hint at that and all is well again.

Dont worry, you did nothing wrong, is just my memory that works like this. I absorb a lot of info and opinions, and I remember yours on that set :slight_smile:

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