Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 1)

Yeah, a Custom I ordered with adaptative termination plugs that would also suit Mele :fairy:


Do you have a link to that cable?

Sure, here you go.

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I donā€™t own CP360, only 100 and 145.

I prefer 100 to 145 with Mele, but Iā€™m using none. Iā€™m using Final Audio type E at the moment.

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I placed the mele order at 00:50 on the 20th, their time on the order, and it hasnā€™t shipped. (Dhl express, tracking says DHL hasnā€™t received it yet). I sent an email to ask whatā€™s up since it seems like it should have made it in the first batch.

I donā€™t mind the wait, as long as the expectation is clear from the start.

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I am more concerned about whether or not they would fit. If you were able to fit CP100 and CP145 with the Mele, then I know that the CP360 will also work. Thanks!

Is Meleā€™s nozzle insertion deeper than usual?

Thatā€™s also my thinking - expectation management must be done right. I ordered mine at 10:38am on the 20th (gmt +8), therefore before the 12pm gmt +8 they mentioned in order to be in the first batch.

Then through chat, they said that they had so many orders through that they couldnā€™t guarantee about I would be in the first batch - even though my order time and being the first order through Aliexpress.

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Moved this post. First impressions on the official thread here.


Sweet cable!!!

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Soooo, how does the Mele compares to the Timeless??? :grin:

@hawaiibadboy did I lose your simphonio first impressions? So curious about new Simphonio, should come other 2 models called RX100 and P100.

Anyway tomorrow DHL should dispatch me 2 Aroma, Iā€™m loving W6.2šŸ„°

RX10 looks almost my RSV till 1500hzā€¦



That look thoughā€¦


Bassist - JPJ $1 (stealā€¦wtf?)
Lead Guitar - Hendrix $10
Backup Guitar - Neil Young $5
Drums - Baker $1 (stealā€¦wtf?)
Vocals - Robert Plant $8


Got a reply in regards to the mele shipping, Iā€™m in the first batch, itā€™s just that they have too many orders and itā€™s taking some time.


Drummer: Neil Peart ($10),
Frontman: David Bowie ($5)
Bassist: Les Claypool ($6)
Lead Guitar: Brian May ($3)

Musicians are going for cheap nowadays.


Lead Guitar: Eddie Van Halen ($5)
Rhythm Guitar: James Hetfield ($3)
Front man: Ozzy ($4)
Bassist: Cliff Burton ($3)
Drummer: Mike Portnoy($5)
Looks like this could be a nasty 80s metal band :flushed: :thinking: got 5 extra dollars to spend lol we could do like bowie as back up singer as well.


Cliff was trained in Classical and other ā€¦was a beast.
I grabbed JPJ cuzā€¦$1 :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:
Cliff for $3ā€¦ :man_shrugging:


Vocal: Freddy
Lead Guitar: Brian May
Rythm Guitar: James Hetfield
Bassist: Cliff Burton
Drummer: Mike Portnoy

The music this band would make would beā€¦ interesting?