Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 1)

Horses for courses…let the jam roll on :sound::nerd_face:


Curious about RX10☺️


Moar purchases on @hawaiibadboy recs…

I need more IEMs to shoot pics of!


we have the exact same order :slight_smile:


Lookin forward to those. :raised_hands:


I am thinking about a vid.
At $600+ it is competing with tri brids.


At $600 we also have the Oriolus Isabellae which is beautiful but also a single DD. Didn’t you got a chance to listen to the Isa? I read some reviews of it and they made it look like mermaids were singing in your ears. lol


Yeah, very interested on that one too

I heard Oriolus. I’m glad people enjoy it.
“Good is what ya like”

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But it didn’t deserve a video in your opinion? That’s enough of a review for me to keep my dollars. lol

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There is so much gear out there,
When I get going into 3 vids a week again I simply wont have time to pick apart a set that might be someone elses thing.
People have a lot of reviewers to watch and read. It’s up to them to listen carefully.

Not talking about a specific set. Just in general


Obviously liking this color scheme more than the gold one. I guess there’s 2 iems they’re releasing.


Yeah that is A LOT better. Looks like they are going with the FD5 shell

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and it will graph almost exactly the same as the FD3 and FD5 while only costing a totally reasonable $400…

I really hope this joke is not true, I like the FD3 and it would be nice if there was a better version of it.

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I bought FD3 by myself. FiiO had stopped messaging me after FH5s video
They contacted me recently and offered to send a cable to pair with my FD3 set and do an FD3 PRO video.


Turns out me complaining about Linsoul removing the free shipping option(only $33 express) to my country was a wrong doing… They actually had altruistic motives it seems, wanted to save me some cash, not only on the shipping but a good chunk on price of the iems too :).

Oh and @hawaiibadboy, ive been squirming for already few months what expensive iems(well expensive for me at least) to get without being able to hear them first, but in the end decided to trust your judgement and went with the 7Hz Timeless as you see. Will be interesting to try planars, never actually heard one. I hope i did the right thing, since thats like half a monthly salary here, so boy are you on the hook… Pray i like them :slight_smile: :stuck_out_tongue: .


If you listen to music like mine…really stuff with drums, guitars, vocals. I await your impressions :raised_hands:

Yeah, we have pretty similar music taste.
Worst case ill have the Mele to wipe my tears with :slight_smile: . Had the blons for more than a year, and liked them(besides that they wouldnt stay in my ears sometimes), so this should be a safe bet going from all thats been said about the Mele.

You said the 7Hz sounded great on Qudelix… Was that on SE or Balanced?
Most powerfull sources i have are 67 and 75mw@32, Shanling UP2 and Fiio BTR3K. And i see btr3k has only 40mw@16ohms, cant find any info about the UP2. Do you by any chance have any of theese, and would share your impressions how they sound on them?
Or maybe it would be best to get a better source like say the 500mw@16ohms E1DA 9038S. Qudelix unfortunately is a no go for me, since its about $200 to import here, otherwise id be all over it.
As for BTR5 or an UP4, i cant seem to force myself buying one of those in a universe where the 5K exists :slight_smile:

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Qudelix was via balanced for 7Hz
E1DA 9038s would do her fine too.
I really should do a vid for that little beast

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Will likely put in a vid with another set or 2 :call_me_hand: