Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 1)

I found this here. seems to be the official website of fiio netherlands.


Unless it beats Oxygen/Isabellae/Illumination/Zen, not gonna even waste a second looking at it. That’s some pretty bold price tag.


It’ll have a hard time against tribrids.

Is this the normal version or the one with a ‘PRO’ cable is the real question. :wink:

It does say PURE beryllium driver and not merely coated, perhaps that’s where the money went.


Still, bold tag. Pure Bery won’t save it if they keep screwing with tuning. Let’s wait for some reviews :stuck_out_tongue: Can be a beast tho!


Wont save it if the tuning is crap. We see how it goes I guess…

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Phewww, if that price tag is much more expensive than the Variations, I’ll clearly know what to get.

The pricing seems to itch into Dunu Zen territory a lil bit.

Still curious on the sound though since I like the FD5.

Final A8000 and DUNU LUNA were both fails if sales metrics are the evaluator.
I have not heard a good Pure berry besides BElieve and my 2nd set did not match my 1st set.


Guess who showed up. Thanks chris :rage:


Hahahahahaha dude, you’re European version of @Resolution :joy:
Gotta have 'em all :smile:


Nope, only 6. 1 in, 1 out.

I wish. My pockets are not even close to his.

Guess whos out?

Hint: left. GK10


I just realized the Golden Fiio FDX might wanna go up against the Golden Moondrop Illumination and @hawaiibadboy already reviewed it. Hoping for a ‘Gold Deathmatch’ in the future!

The golden era is finally here! :smile:


The Golden…


Looks like you’ve got the same watch case as me :smirk:

Just received another to put real watches in, lol. This way I can control stock… 6 buds/6 IEMs max.

Next stuff to get out is GK10. Empty spot is for incoming Variations. End-game is only have 3 or 4 and one is Mest, 1 is a single DD, Teas and a random one (full BA, Tribid for fun, planar).

Right spot will never change. Teas > Mest.


That’s a nice collection :slightly_smiling_face:
You sold GK10? Cable from Land is now waiting for new iems?

Not sure if selling it or bashing it with an hammer :man_shrugging: but need space for lokahi now. When I grab Oxygen, might take Blon out.

That cable is attached to mangird Tea, if you zoom in you can see.

IEMS Left to right: GK10 (going out for Lokahi) - MH755 (a classic) - Blon Bl-03 - Mele - Incoming Variations (former TSMR Land spot) - Mangird Tea

Buds Left to right: Yincrow X6 - RY4S Pro 32Ohm - M2S Pro with 150ohm driver - LBBS - Blur 266 MX64 STE - Blur 266 PK32 Higher Mountain Tuning


I do really like mine, although it’s harder to keep it on my desk so I prefer having a smaller dap/iem case to keep my frequently used IEMs to hand

I think I’m a while off endgame now with the p6p coming in since that means I’ll always want totl IEMs in the back of my mind :joy:… Thummim here we come…

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Read some nasty things about Thummim’s tuning… Hope you enjoy it!

I have a smaller case for DAP + 1 or 2 pairs. I use it when I go out with it. I will also have L&P W2 coming, so portable sources are on fire :fire: