Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 1)

I saw M0N talking about it and it sounds like it would be right up my street, although I’m not gonna be able to get them any time soon :sweat_smile:

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I thought Lokahi was discontinued.
Stoked you are getting a set. The extension is very nice and BA bass (w/ DD compensation elevation) is nice.
If that guy had agreed to be bought out it woulda taken off big time but that guy wanted full control.
He reached out to me via FB and i intro’d him to Linsoul.
Great set, great get :notes:


Nah, I just think that it’s everytime out of stock since they take a while to produce and don’t take pre-orders. They come back from time to time, but it’s rare. Seems that my past self has set an alarm on Linsoul website to warn me if they ever get back on stock… Thanks past self.

I know a lot of people will piss on this set, but I’m genuinly interested, even if it’s DDless :man_shrugging:

You did good :slight_smile:


I wouldn’t be too concerned about no DD in the Lokahi; it’s got great heft and texture in the lowend.
Sometimes it seemed almost like it had a DD, to be honest.


Yes baby, keep my hopes high. Don’t want no buyers remorse

I’m doing a short little comparison of Lokahi and & GK10 soon

That doesnt sound good for the Lokahi lol.

if they are even comparable. :joy:

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I’m bashing my GK10 with an hammer to leave space for lokahi :stuck_out_tongue:

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Film it and post it on the GK10 at “that” forum lol.


Why else would I bash it?


Quick comparison between the Audio Lokahi and the Geek Wold GK10.

AMP/DAC used: E1DA 9038S Gen 2 from smartphone & laptop.

Lokahi - It is hugely obvious that I’m listening to a set that is comprised of (7) BA’s, save for the bass which sometimes fools you into thinking it’s an overtightened DD. Sad thing is that the Lokahi isn’t even notorious for BA timbre, I am just that sensitive to it. It is such a plague on most music…

Bass - As mentioned, quite good but lacks the density and weight of DD’s of course. It’s tight and reasonably textured though. Defined too as the tuning supports. Fed with balanced power from a laptop, the bass becomes very impressive indeed.

Mids - A bit dry, very upfront, and intimate with notes. You get a closer view than most IEM’s, but unfortunately, it isn’t quite detailed or refined enough to enjoy that close view. It’s a bit glary, jagged, thin. Probably really decent for those who are into the overly intimate presentation and aren’t that sensitive to BA timbre.

Highs - Very airy with no true offensive peaks, though the treble area is slightly elevated overall so over time it might start getting to you. I don’t have any glaring issues with it apart from those afforded by BA timbre. Not as natural as DD highs of course.

Stage - Average. The presentation of sound is again very up in your face but the size of the stage is middle of the pack. Imaging nothing to write home about, things do not extend outside the head etc. The driver coherency is also just average, could definitely be better. It fails to form a clear, deliniated center/phantom image which is one of the “holy grail” aspects of high fidelity.

Geek Wold GK10 - Such an interesting IEM! 2 DDs, 1 BA and 2 Piezos.
It has an energetic tuning but lacks sub bass heft and authority. Thankfully it can be added back in via EQ with pretty good effect. The BA is nowhere to be heard which is of course a good thing! Finally the Piezos. To my ears they are a mix of DDs and BA, more towards DDs but with more crispy deliniation to notes. There is a certain flavour to Piezos, it seems faster than DDs but retains some of the naturalness of DD in terms of how sound echo outwards.

Bass - Without EQ, a bit undefined, blunt and weak not going to lie. With EQ, it is 90% up to par with most DDs I have heard save for the sensation of effortless heft. Sub bass is almost completely absent if not EQ’d up.

Mids - I can none of the BA timbre but all of the BA detail! And it is detailed. It is definitely on par with the Lokahi in terms of detail, especially if we broaden the definition of detail to more than just surface plankton. It is also much more natural sounding. I have heard some call the GK10 horrible in terms of timbre but I do not hear what is so horrible about it. The minute you compare it to Lokahi you immedaitely hear the artifical quality of BA.

Highs - So fun! And well behaved! More natural than Lokahi and almost as airy, but there is a slight gap there. GK10 is more energetic in the treble though, probably thanks to some inherent quality to Piezo? Not sure. I like it.

Stage - Average. Note depth is average as well, there is a bit more distance here which can be nice. Stage dimension is the same as Lokahi or very similar. The driver coherency of GK10 is rather good actually and this shows up in the imaging department, it has a definite edge over the Lokahi here. Things fly around in the head stage and aren’t so static, the picture of the music is more “together” and flowing. Center image is stronger as well by an appreciable amount.

So in conclusion, I prefer the GK10 due to absence of BA timbre and extra stage shenanigans.


Well, guess we got different sauces on that our GK10s :slight_smile: Judging by coherence in QC, not anything new.

My GK10 has bad piezo timbre, slow bloated bass, ok mids. 3 different drivers, 3 different speeds. Sub-bass non existant. Gigantic stage, lol. Basicly, the opposite of yours.

I’d take my MH755 or Blon Blon-03 over my GK10, let alone anything abve that price. Mele makes GK10 sounding like they came free on airplanes, in my opinion. Thank god mine were free after all.


Such a shame to hear! It does not have a gigantic stage at all for me so something is definitely amiss with their QC. I cannot only be a discrepancy in our perception me thinks… Though we definitely agree on the bass.

Have you had any quality time with your Lokahi yet? I am listening to mine right now.

Just bout it, 4 hours ago. They might arrive in the next couple of days, but I’ll get my Variations first, probably!

Oh ok :sweat_smile:

Can’t wait for the Timeless to arrive. Prob 2 weeks away.


Im sure it wouldnt have any problem with them, its a little beast like you say after all.
My question was more in line with would it be absolutely necesary, to get a good sound out of the 7Hz. Did you/Could you compare them on qudelix balanced vs unbalanced?
I suppose the unbalanced should be in line(or pretty close) with my UP2 power since its same dac/amp. Even though E1DA has been long time in my wishlist, and long overdue, i wouldnt mind postponing that purchase if not crucial at the moment.

And yeah, i agree you should do a vid, that power at that size surely deserves one.

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With a listening volume at 77dB no. It wold be a good idea IMO. Planar do loe power. This is not quite as hungry as the Tinhifi P1 though


Ordered on 20th
Website said busy and will go into backorder soon.
Said that for 10 days. They updated yesterday to reflect nothing was in stock.
Meanwhile after having paid $4000 and express Fedex I got no contact for 10 days until i inquired about my status

Well damn…thanks for um…keeping me in the loop?
So a possible 21 days from order to ship with express ship paid
(what’s the point??)
no updates
( I paid you $4000 fucking dollarz yo!!)
Website with language that implied in stock but may not be in stock soon
(packing in unstated pre-orders)
Left that unedited and updated till yesterday

Meanwhile reviewers got em.


As I understand it, these are actually hand-built/assembled.
That being said, a complete and utter lack of communication for something that costs 4G’s and might elicit a considerable wait? Nah, be upfront or list it as unavailable until you can handle the orders.

I was willing to wait if they had contacted me. I was a buyer on the 1st day the listed.
They added 4 reviews to Stealths page and neglected updating the stock status until their promo edits.

Fuck that.

Susvara was $6k and they were straight up about stock etc
ZMF same
Nobody have sat on my multi kilobuck purchases so casually before