Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 1)

I’m not a salesman. I’m just letting you know if you really want to hear what resolution and clarity are, the MEST MKII does it almost to a fault. When you listen to the same music on something that is not resolving, it should be obvious the lack of clarity you’ll experience.

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Sold!! What’s your commission? :laughing::rofl::joy:


What I imagine listening to the Mest MkII is like…

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I’m a bit late, but just wanted to share some thoughts here.

  1. That is 100% not a reflection or lighting on a drawing and is absolutely intended to be cum. It’s both obvious in context and from visual inspection if you zoom in. Perhaps your device is not showing the image to you in high enough resolution/clear enough.
    Regarding the context the caption was literally “if you let it out accidentally… :shushing_face:” if all of that together isn’t clear to you…I’m really not sure we can actually have a conversation on this topic…

  2. Now take the above context, and add onto it that she’s still clothed but clothes are torn, she’s depicted as being on the ground and again “if you let it out accidentally…:shushing_face:” and it definitely starts to seem or imply rape/non-volitional sex act. Though it’s not absolutely stated, it’s definitely a reasonable conclusion one could draw.

As such:

Best case - someone at moondrop, possibly not having a complete command of English and thus the way the caption and overall context could be perceived, posted a soft porn “etchi” image on the official company Twitter because they thought it was mildly amusing. This would definitely indicate some questionable management in giving their social media sign in to someone without the maturity to actually represent the company well.

That’s honestly the best, most generous interpretation I can think of.

Worse case - they posted the above with full knowledge of how people would perceive it and didn’t care because they thought it was okay and funny. So either the company supports this interpretation or at the very least knowingly supports someone who has the above viewpoint which is pretty indicative of quite a poor company culture and ideology.

I suspect the actuality is somewhere in between, but how the company responds, and apologies or doesn’t, will make it pretty clear where exactly what the company as an entity thinks - not just the person signed into their social media at the time.

You and everyone here is free to determine how to interpret it and decide how much they personally are offended and as a result how they want to act towards the company in the future, but I believe the above is a fairly clear explanation of the context in which most who have posted about this here are considering the situation.


Could you elaborate more on this?


It is the Community Manager excuse equivalent of “my dog ate my homework”

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I made that statement based on this image:

shared in this post:

Someone who works for Moondrop realized the post crossed the line and at least claims to be working to take it down. Whether the post was approved or someone going rogue is unknown. The only intent was to point out that it’s possible that wires got crossed at Moondrop and something that should not have been publicly posted was publicly posted.

If it was an intentional, management approved post, then yeah, that’s definitely a problem and we encourage the HFGF communithy to have discussions about the appropriateness of audio product advertising.

Whether the higher-ups at Moondrop posted the image intentionally or not is an issue that exists independently of how we would like such images to be presented on HFGF, though.

I hope that clears up any questions.

Cheers, all.


Thanks @WaveTheory

I’m pretty sure I have the story. So in essence, no new information beyond everything most HF members were already aware of. No apology or no social clarification as to what happened, why it happened and no announcement of any disciplinary actions taken against who ever was placed in charge of their social media. No statement that this kind of messaging is not what the company stands for and no promise that it will not happen in the future.

Yep, I’m out.


It was Moondrop’s official Social media accounts (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram)
It was taken down after being shamed on Headfi
Comments about it’s absolutely disgusting implications were ignored by all platforms and even joked about with Cloris in their official Discord.
They have never apologized.

Herbert thinks all attention is good attention.
No, Fathers and most men do not want to have to worry if their spouse or child opens a box of earphones and is greeted with smut.

I’m a bit late, but just wanted to share some thoughts here.

  1. That is 100% not a reflection or lighting on a drawing and is absolutely intended to be cum. It’s both obvious in context and from visual inspection if you zoom in. Perhaps your device is not showing the image to you in high enough resolution/clear enough.
    Regarding the context the caption was literally “if you let it out accidentally… :shushing_face:” if all of that together isn’t clear to you…I’m really not sure we can actually have a conversation on this topic…
  2. Now take the above context, and add onto it that she’s still clothed but clothes are torn, she’s depicted as being on the ground and again “if you let it out accidentally…:shushing_face:” and it definitely starts to seem or imply rape/non-volitional sex act. Though it’s not absolutely stated, it’s definitely a reasonable conclusion one could draw.
    well put by @Salient

Looking forward the Legend Evo’s review!
Will be interesting to hear the comparison of bone conductor’s drivers.

Since Moondrop won’t, I’ll apologize to all the women of our community that were subjected to this. You deserve better than this. I hope we can set a better example.


Yeah. Never gonna support Moondrop if they’re not gonna apologize. Some may say “It’s only this one time”, but to me, it’s one time too many. You find nothing wrong with that picture, then you clearly have no respect for women. It’s simple as that.

Will be moving on from this since most of us here are on the same page about this situation. Be kind and respectful to women.


BLON BL MAX interesting company 4 sure


Am I the only one who sees Cufflinks?

These will be great to bring into my work… on my shirts :rofl:



I’m excited to hear impressions without hype.

Short story: When I started the hobby, I was really trustful in reviewers, and I will not name them.
Coming from the Electronic hobby, it was all about specs and nothing about taste.
Then, I got few products I have been “not thrilled” to use.
The expectation (thief of joy) really murdered the first time experience. And I feel like I wasted money.

Later on, HBGGAR mentioned during a review that he considered the Stellia trash (I summarize, but it is how I heard it) I was so unhappy cause I liked the Stellia.
Then, I purchased my Susvara and tried other Audeze and suddenly I was like “ok, I hear what he meant, the Stellia is way behind” I placed it in a box and did not use it since.

For this reason I wait for the Dan Clark Stealth review cause I learned the hard way we can’t trust a lot of reviews out there, either for conflict of interest reasons or due to the big rift in Musical taste.

When people call you a jerk, it is often cause you say things they don’t want to hear.
In the hobby, and in life, it is good to hear such things.


For full cans uneducated people, what is that? :smiley:

I get called lots of worse names :sweat_smile:

I’ll be very specific anbout why I love like or loathe the set :notes: :raised_hands:

@igor0203 Dan Clark Audio “Stealth”


Bravo! Someone frame this and stick it around, please!

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